Modification/cancellation of indents placed for GDCE examination: Railway Board

Modification/cancellation of indents placed for GDCE examination: Railway Board

Modification/cancellation of indents placed for GDCE examination: Railway Board Order RBE No. 17/2024 dated 16.02.2024

RBE NO. 17/2024


No. E(NG)I/2023/PM1/12

New Delhi, dated 16.2.2024

The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways/PUs
(As per standard mailing list)

Sub: Modification/cancellation of indents placed for GDCE examination.

Clarifications have been sought by certain Railways on procedure to be adopted on modification/cancellation of indents placed for GDCE Examination. The matter has been examined by the Board and the powers are being delegated to authorities as given hereunder for cancellation of Indent/Enhancement/Reduction of indents at different stages of examination:- Proposal for Examination Stage Authority
1. Cancellation of Indent/ Enhancement/ Reduction upto any extent Before issue of Notified vacancies PCPO
2. Enhancement/Reduction upto 50% of notified vacancies Before conducting of written examination General Manager
3. Enhancement/ Reduction of more than 50% of notified Vacancies. Before conducting of written examination. AM\Staff
4. Enhancement/ reduction of notified vacancies or cancellation of indent After conduct of written examination(s) if it is to be followed by final examination or interview. DG/HR
5. Reduction of notified vacancies or cancellation of Indent After conduct of Ist/IInd stage written examination/interview but before publication of panel DG/HR

This has the approval of CRB & CEO.

DA: Nil

(Sanjay Kumar)
Deputy Director Estt.(N)
Railway Board

Source: Indian Railways

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