Modification in Age Group of Junior National Championships for recruitment and other purposes: Railway Board

Modification in Age Group of Junior National Championships for recruitment and other purposes: Railway Board Order RBE No. 27/2023 dated 08.02.2023
RBE No.27/2023
Clarification / Corrigendum No.124
Government of India (Bharat Sarkar)
Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya)
(Railway Board)
No. 2023/E(Sports)/4(1)/1/Age Clarification
New Delhi, Dated 08.02.2023
The General Managers (P),
All Zonal Railways & Production & Other units.
Sub: Modification in Age Group of Junior National Championships for recruitment and other purposes.
Ref: Railway Board’s letter no. 2010/E(Sports)/4(1)/1(Policy) dated 31.12.2010 (RBE No. 189/2010) and clarifications/corrigendum issued thereto from time to time.
Please connect Board’s letter dated 31.12.2010 mentioned under reference wherein list of the age group of Junior / Sub-Junior National Championships of various games recognized in Railway Sports Promotion Board has been mentioned in Annexure- I. The National Sports Federations of some of the games have revised the age group of Junior National Championships.
2. It has, therefore, been decided to revise the age group of Junior National Championships in some of the game disciplines as under :
Discipline | Category | Existing Age Group | Revised Age Group | Name of Championship |
Ball Badminton | Men | Under-19 | Under-20 | Junior National Ball Badminton Championship |
Women | Under-19 | Under-20 | Junior National Ball Badminton Championship | |
Kho-Kho | Men | Under-19 | Under-18 | Junior National Kho-kho Championship |
Women | Under-19 | Under-18 | Junior National Kho-kho Championship | |
Kabaddi | Men | Under-19 | Under-20 | Junior National Kabaddi Championship |
Women | Under-19 | Under-20 | Junior National Kabaddi Championship | |
Judo | Men | Under-17 | Under-21 | Junior National Judo Championship |
Women | Under-17 | Under-21 | Junior National Judo Championship |
3. The certificates issued by the concerned National Sports Federations in this regard will be valid for recruitment and other purposes in Indian Railways.
4. This is issued with the prior approval of DG(HR) and President/RSPB.
(This also disposes of WRSA’s reference No. Sports/61/4/ADVT 2022-23 dated 31.01.2023)
(Ravinder Kumar)
Deputy Director/ E(Sports)
Source: Indian Railways