Minutes of the separate meeting held by EDE(N) with Federation (NFIR) on 11.08.2023 on left over PNM/NFIR Items

Minutes of the separate meeting held by EDE(N) with Federation (NFIR) on 11.08.2023 on left over PNM/NFIR Items: Railway Board
Government of India(Bharat Sarkar)
Ministry of Railways(Rail Mantralaya)
(Railway Board)
No.2023/E(LR)I/NM 1-7
New Delhi, dated 05.09.2023
The General Secretary,
3, Chelmsford Road,
New Delhi-110 055.
Dear Sir,
Sub: Minutes of the separate meeting held by EDE(N) with Federation (NFIR) on 11.08.2023 on left over PNM/NFIR Items
Minutes of the separate meeting held on 11.08.2023 on the subject mentioned above are enclosed for information and necessary action.
Yours faithfully,
D.A: As above
(Hem Chander)
Minutes of the separate meeting held by EDE(N) with Federation (NFIR) on 11.08.2023 on left over PNM/NFIR Items
The following officers and representatives of Federation (NFIR) attended the meeting:-
Official Side | Federation (NFIR) |
Shri Ravindra Kumar, EDE(N) Shri D.Joseph, DE(N)-II Shri U.K. Tiwari, DE(N) Shri Hem Chander, JDE(IR) |
Shri Guman Singh, President Dr. M. Raghavaiah, General Secretary Shri V.Gopalakrishnan |
27/2011: Applicability of Rule No.31 of Railway Service (Pension) Rules, 1993 for  counting of service period paid from contingencies for calculation of gratuity on retirement
The matter is under consideration and expeditious action will be taken.
30/2011: Stagnation of staff in Group D posts in Accounts Department on Southern Railway — One time relaxation for promotion against DR quota vacancies of Accounts Clerks
Discussed and Finalised.
47/2012: Provision of entry qualification of Assistant Loco Pilot and allotment of higher grade pay to Loco Running Staff – Recommendation of High Level Safety Review Committee,
Staff Side reiterated its demand that the recommendation made by High Level Safety Committee for revising the entry qualification of ALP to diploma should be agreed to for the purpose of ensuring quality service. Staff Side also suggested to organise a meeting at the level of M(TRS).
4/2013: Emoluments to be reckoned for grant of retirement/death benefits of staff working in Construction Organisations etc., on Indian Railways,
Copy of NER’s letter handed over to Federation for their response. Federation however pointed out that the NE Railway has ignored Board’s instructions and paid settlement dues and pension in the pay of lower pay scale. Federation also stated that it shall furnish a few specific cases.
23/2015: Recruitment policy for induction in Group ‘C’ (erstwhile Group ‘D’) posts in GP 1800+ PB-1 through RRCs-review urged.
Official Side stated that Record Note of Discussion in the Joint meeting held with AM(CE) and AM(Staff) needs to be reviewed.
Implementation of lateral induction may be done.
38/2015: Granting promotion opportunity as JE against 25% Intermediate Apprentice quota to those Technicians initially appointed as Technician-III on compassionate
The Staff Side reiterated that those who do not fulfil the qualifications condition can be deputed for RDAT for clearing necessary training to enable them to be eligible for JE. Staff Side further mentioned that this was agreed in earlier meeting held in Railway Board in December, 2022. Federation again requested to reiterate the orders.
The official side stated that issue will be pursued with T&MPP Directorate.
35/2016: Selection for filling the vacancies of Assistant Station Manager GP 2800 (PB-1) against promotion/LDCE/GDCE Quota — aptitude test for induction as ASM, GP 2800 CPB-V)
Staff Side stated that staff who cleared the written examination for different selections are to be made eligible for Aptitude Test even if they could not qualify in the earlier Aptitude Test. Citing six months’ clearing period for allowing the Aptitude test is not justified in those cases where two selections are held separately under GDCE and LDCE.
Official Side stated that the matter is under examination in consultation with Safety Directorate.
19/2018: Staff Nurse vacancies in Indian Railways — Amendment to extant provision facilitating selection of serving employees who possess qualification-reg.
Official Side stated that there is already provision for conducting GDCE for Staff nurses and they can appear in the test for Nursing Superintendent GP 4600/- if they have the qualification. Federation requested that the instructions accordingly may be issued immediately. ;
24/2018: General Departmental Competitive Examination for filling Direct recruitment vacancies in certain Group ‘C’ categories – Enhancement of percentage-requested. & 31/2018: Improvement of GDCE Scheme, facilitating eligible staff to pursue their career.
Official Side stated that GDCE scheme which is valid upto February, 2024 will be examined for further extension.
05/2021: Pay protection to the staff who joined lower post at his/her own request-reg.
Staff Side demanded that stipulation of minimum service condition may be reviewed. Official Side stated that the matter will be examined.
26/2021: Induction of Track Maintainers into other Departments — Removal of age restriction-reg
Official Side stated that the Committee’s Report has been submitted and is under examination of the Board.
1/2022: Earmarking 10% of the DR quota vacancies of Group ‘C’ categories to be filled by LDCE open to all
Official Side stated that there is already a provision of LDCE and earmarking 10% quota is not tenable.
Staff Side explained that in a separate meeting held in the chamber of Hon’ble MR in the year 2020 with CRB & DG(HR), the subject for 10% vacancies of DR quota was discussed Federation requested that this may be pursued for taking follow up action for the purpose of career growth of Track Maintainers atleast through LDCE if not against the promotional quota.
8/2022: Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 — Fixation of pay on promotion in 6th CPC Pay Structure — Deprival of annual increment to those promoted prior to 31/12/2006, but relieved after 01/01/2007,
Discussed and finalised.
16/2022: Improvement in pay scales of staff working in Artificial Limb Centre of Central Hospital of Northern Railway.
The matter is under active consideration and efforts will be made to finalise the matter at the earliest.
17/2022: Counting of officiating period as residency period in the case of Sr. – ALPs/Shunters promoted on ad hoc basis as Loco Pilot (Goods) in the administrative exigencies- case of South Central Railway,
Federation requested Board to consider issuing instructions to the GM to’ decide at Zonal level.
21/2022: Fixation of pay of disabled/medically unfit Staff, other than Running, on being appointed against alternative posts in revised (6th& 7th CPC) pay structure,
Matter is under consideration.
27/2022: Induction of erstwhile Group ‘D’ Staff from outside into the Workshop in CLW against 40% quota — relaxation of upper age limit from 33 to 45 years.
PUs have been advised accordingly vide Board’s letter No.E(NG)-I — 2018/CFP/6 dated 14.06.2020. Copy of instructions issued to GM/CLW were given to Federation.
14/2023 : GDCE empanelled candidates for the post of Station Master & Goods Guard – Clarification regarding acceptance of Educational Qualification- Reg.
Clarification have been issued to SCR and copy thereof was given to Federation during discussion.
26/2023: Denial of appointment to the serving Railway employees selected against GDCE quota vacancies on N.E. Railway-reg.
The issue raised by the Federation has been disposed of by NER. Letter handed over to Federation.
29/2023: Defective policy decision on eligibility service condition for inter Railway transfer applicants-reg.
Staff Side requested that the decision of Board legislating the condition of 10 years needs to be withdrawn. Official Side stated that the matter is under examination.
30/2023: Non-filling of 25% quota vacancies of Junior Engineer in the Mechanical & Electrical cadres by the Administration of MCF, Raebareli-reg.
The matter is closed as the action has been taken.
Source: Indian Railways