Minimum prescribed educational qualification for direct recruitment to the post of Signal Maintainer Gr.-I in Level-5 of 7th CPC Pay matrix: Railway Board

Minimum prescribed educational qualification for direct recruitment to the post of Signal Maintainer Gr.-I in Level-5 of 7th CPC Pay matrix: Railway Board RBE No. 144/2023 dated 20.12.2023
RBE No.144/2023
No. E (NG)/II/2023/RR-1/58
New Delhi, Dated: 20.12.2023
The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways/Production Units
Chairmen/Railway Recruitment Boards.
Sub: Minimum prescribed educational qualification for direct recruitment to the post of Signal Maintainer Gr.-I in Level-5 of 7th CPC Pay matrix.
Ref: (i) Board’s letter No. E(NG)I/2015/PM-8/1 dated 26.03.2018
(ii) Board’s letter No. EC(NG)I/2015/PM-8/1 dated 25.05.2018.
Attention is invited to instructions contained in letters under reference prescribing minimum educational qualification for direct recruitment from open market to the post of Signal Maintainer Grade-I in Pay Level-5 as under:-
“Pass in B.Sc (Physics/Electronics/Computer Science/Information Technology/ instrumentation)”.
2. The issue of allowing candidates possessing B.Sc. in combination of sub-streams of the above basic streams for the post has been under consideration of this Ministry. It has now been decided to allow such candidates to be considered for employment on the railways if they apply for the same. Accordingly, henceforth minimum qualification for open market recruitment to the post of Signal Maintainer Gr.I (Level-5) stand modified as under:
“Pass in B.Sc (Physics / Electronics / Computer Science / Information Technology/ Instrumentation) from a recognized University / Institute OR B.Sc in a combination of any sub-stream of basic streams of Physics / Electronics / Computer Science / Information Technology / Instrumentation from a recognized University / Institute.
(Note : Candidates having qualification of Diploma / Degree in Engineering in the above basic streams or in combination of any of above basic streams may also be permitted. The same will be additional eligibility qualification while the minimum entry qualification will continue to be B.Sc. as indicated above. Such candidates selected with qualification of Diploma/Degree in Engineering will not be entitled for claiming higher pay scale/Level in pay matrix as the same is linked to the post)”.
3. Advance Correction Slip (ACS) to Indian Railway Establishment Manual Vol.1 (Re-print Edition 1989) First Re-print Edition 2009 will follow.
(U. K. Tiwari)
Director, Estt.(N)
Railway Board
Source: Indian Railways