Merger of Ticket Checking Staff (TC), Commercial Clerk (CC) and Enquiry-cum-Reservation Clerk (ECRC) – Continuance of intake of Commercial Apprentice: Railway Board

Merger of Ticket Checking Staff (TC), Commercial Clerk (CC) and Enquiry-cum-Reservation Clerk (ECRC) – Continuance of intake of Commercial Apprentice: Railway Board Order RBE No. 85/2023 dated 28.06.2023
RBE No. 85/2023
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)
No. E(NG)I-2019/PM1/14
New Delhi, dated 28.06.2023
The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways/PUs.
(As per standard mailing list)
Sub: Merger of Ticket Checking Staff (TC), Commercial Clerk (CC) and Enquiry-cum-Reservation Clerk (ECRC) – Continuance of intake of Commercial Apprentice -reg.
As Railways are aware, consequent to the acceptance of the recommendation of the 7th CPC, Railway Board had issued orders vide letter No. E(NG)I-2016/PM1/12(Pt.) dated 22.02.2018 (RBE No. 28/2018) regarding merger of Ticket Checking Staff, Commercial Staff and ECRCs in a phased manner.
The matter was further reviewed by the Board and the methodology for implementing the merger of Ticket Checking Staff (TC), Commercial Clerk (CC) and Enquiry-cum-Reservation Clerk (ECRC) have been issued vide letter No. E(NG)I-2016/PM1/12(Pt.) dated 05.04.2019 (RBE No. 59/2019).
The matter regarding continuation of DR intake of Commercial Apprentices/Inspector has been examined in consultation with the Commercial Directorate and the two recognized Federations (AIRF & NFIR), and it has been decided that the Commercial Inspector category may be merged with the Chief Commercial-cum-Ticket Supervisor.
It has further been decided that the posts in Level-5 will be filled entirely by promotion. 15% vacancies of Chief Commercial-cum-Ticket Supervisor in level-6 will be filled by Direct Recruitment, 10% thereof by LDCE, and 75% by promotion. Accordingly, the revised AVC of the merged cadre of TC, CC and ECRC is attached as Annexure-A.
In terms of this office letter No. E(NG)I-2016/PM1/12(Pt.) dated 05.04.2019, all three seniority groups of TC, CC and ECRC be maintained separately for existing employees. Merger into a common seniority and common functionalities will take place for future intake in the cadre.
Hindi version will follow.
Please acknowledge receipt of this letter.
DA: As above.
(Sanjay Kumar)
Deputy Director Estt.(N)
E-mail Id sanjay.kumar6[at]
Railway Board
SN | Name of the Post | Mode of appointment | Classification | Level and Revised Pay Structure | Qualification/ Training/ Age | % distribution of unified cadre |
1 | Commercial-cum-Ticket Clerk (Clerk (erstwhile PB-1 Rs. 5200-20200, GP Rs. 1900/2000) (The posts operate in erstwhile GP Rs. 2000 now, as post in Rs. 1900 has been upgraded to GP Rs.2000) | 50% by DR 33-1/3% by General Selection (Traffic & Commercial Staff in erstwhile G.P. Rs. 1800) 16-2/3% by LDCE. | Rectt./ General Selection | Level-3 Rs. 21700- 69100 | DR qualification 12th (+2 stage) or its equivalent examination with not less than 50% Marks in the aggregate. 50% is not to be insisted upon in case of SC/ST/ Ex-Servicemen. Proper training will have to be imparted to the employees as per present requirement. Age limit for DR 18-27 years. | 11% |
2 | Sr. Commercial-cum-Ticket Clerks (erstwhile PB-1, Rs. 5200-20200,GP Rs 2800) | 100% by PQ | Non-Selection | Level-5 Rs. 29200- 92300 | Proper training will haveto be imported to the employees as per present requirement. | 22% |
3 | Chief Commercial-cum- Ticket Supervisor (erstwhile PB-2, Rs. 9300-34800, GP Rs. 4200 | 75% PQ,15%DR & 10% LDCE | Rectt/ Selection | Level-6 Rs. 35400- 112400 | Dr qualification- A University Degree or its equivalent Age limit for DR- 18-30 years. Proper training will have to be imparted to the employees as per present requirement. | 47% |
4 | Commercial Superintendent (erstwhile PB-2, Rs. 9300-34800, GP Rs. 4600) | 100% PQ | Non- Selection | Level-7 Rs.44900- 142400 | Proper training will have to be imparted to the employees as per present requirement. | 20% |
Source: Indian Railways