MACPS on Promotional Hierarchy

NFIR demands Grant of Financial up-gradation under MACPS in the promotional hierarchy – The ACP Scheme which followed promotional hierarchy was more beneficial than MACP which follows grade pay hierarchy
National Federation Of Indian Railwaymen
No.IV/MACPS/09/Part 9
Dated: 26-02-2016
The secretary (E)
Railway Board
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Grant of financial up-gradation under MACPS in the promotional hierarchy – (instead of Grade Pay hierarchy) – Item No.3 of Record Note of discussion held between the Federation and ED’s Railway Board on 12-10-2015 on MACPS Anomalies – reg.
Ref: (i) Railway Board’s Letter No.PC-V/M/4/NFIR/Pt dated 04-01-2016
(ii) NFIR’s Letter No.IV/MACPS/09/Part 9 dated 05-01-2016 & 18-01-2016
Further to above, Federation furnishes below yet another category viz., Shorff cadre (Cash & Pay Department – Receipt side) in which case the ACP Scheme was more advantageous than the MACP Scheme introduced by the Railway Board vide Board’s letter No.PC-V/2009/ACP/2 dated 10-06-2009, w.e.f. 01-09-2008.
ACP Scheme
(Pay Scale Rs. 3050-4590-5th CPC/GP 1900/-)
Pay Scale Rs.400Y-6000/GP 24001-on completion of 12 years service.
Pay Scale Rs.5000-6000/GP 4200/- on completion of 24 years of service
MACP Scheme
(Pay Scale Rs. 3050-4590-5th CPC/GP 1900/-)
Pay Scale Rs. 3200-4900/GP 2000/- on completion of 10 years of service.
Pay Scale Rs. 4000-6000/GP 2400/- on completion of 20 years of service
*Pay Scale Rs.4500-7000/GP 2800/- On completion of 30 years of service
Note: * The above comparison clearly establishes the fact that under ACP Scheme the staff got financial up-gradation in Pay Scale Rs.5000-8000/GP 4200/- on completion of 24 years of service whereas under MACP Scheme, the staff gets GP 2800/- (replacement Grade Pay) on completion of three decades and they cannot dream of reaching GP 4200 (PB-2) under MACPS.
NFIR, therefore, requests the Railway Board to include the above category of staff in the reference agreed to be made to the DoP&T for seeking guidelines.
Yours faithfully
General Secretary