Launch of Manpower Planning sub-Module of Cadre Management Module of HRMS: Railway Board

Launch of Manpower Planning sub-Module of Cadre Management Module of HRMS: Railway Board Order dated 27.02.2024
F.NO. PCVII/2021/HRMS/30
New Delhi dated 27.2.2024
General Managers
All Indian Railways,
(as per Standard Mailing List)
Sub: Launch of Manpower Planning sub-Module of Cadre Management Module of HRMS
Ref: Board’s letter ofcven number uf dated 23.11.2024
Subsequent to the launch of BOS and Seniority Modules of HRMS, the Manpower Planning sub module of HRMS will be launched on Pan India Basis w.e.f 01.03.2024. For The implementation of MPP Module, the following process may be adopted by all the field units.
i. The data of BOS finalised by the field units, available as on 27 /02/2024, shall be made available by CRIS to all the field units i.e. Zonal Headquarters, Divisional Headquarters, PUs, Work Shops etc. The personnel officers of the units shall cross check and verify the data. A printed version of this shall be signed by the concerned personnel officer (in case of Zonal Level, officer at the rank of CPO and at the division, not below the rank of Sr. DPO) and by the equivalent officer of Accounts dept.
ii. The BoS alter being countersigned by the personnel and Accounts Dept, will be the final consolidated manual form of BoS for the respective unit. This shall be maintained as a permanent record.
iii. All the MPP related processes, namely, creation, re-distribution, surrender and transfer of posts of all grades – inter /intra-divisional/zonal/RB units (Gazetted and non-Gazetted) henceforth. i.e from 1st March 2024, shall done only through HRMS.
iv. All the memoranda related to any of these processes shall be generated only through HRMS.
v. If in any field unit, any modification/data entry is still left in the BoS module, the request for completing the process shall be brought to the notice of Railway Board, clearly specifying the details and reasons thereof. Such requests shall be considered by Railway Board on case-to-case basis and CRIS will be advised to open the window specifically for this unit to incorporate the changes in a strictly time-bound manner. Such changes shall be incorporated.
vi. For the posts which are being transferred to Railway Board and from Railway board to field units too (Gazetted and non – gazetted) the same process apply invariably.
2. W.e.f 01.03.2024, all the activities related to manpower planning shall only be carried out through HRMS.
3. CRIS will be conducting training session from 29.02.2024 onwards, the schedule for which will be advised separately.
4. This issues with the approval of competent authority.
(Jaya Kumar G)
Deputy Director/PVII & HRMS
Railway Board
Source: Indian Railways