Launch of Leave Module of HRMS in Indian Railways – Demo cum Training session through Online mode

Launch of Leave Module of HRMS in Indian Railways – Demo cum Training session through Online mode: Railway Board Order dated 12.07.2023
No. PC-VII/2023/HRMS/11
New Delhi, dated: 12.07.2023
The General Managers,
All India Railways & Production Units,
(As per mailing list)
Sub: Launch of Leave Module of HRMS in Indian Railways
Ref: Board’s letter No. PC-VII/2023/HRMS/11 dated 03.07.2023
Kindly refer to Board’s letter of even number dated 03.07.2023 wherein Railways/Units were advised to complete the vetting and updation of leave records of all the employees for the purpose of uploading the same in Leave Module of HRMS.
2. It is now informed that development and testing of Leave Module of HRMS has been completed and the same is likely to be launched across Indian Railways by 3rd Week of July.
3. In order to familiarize with the newly developed Leave Module facilitating the employees to apply for leave in a seamless manner, it is proposed to hold a Demo cum Training session through Online mode as per the following schedule:-
Training schedule for Leave Module of HRMS |
Module | Date | Time | Railway/Pus |
LEAVE MODULE | 14-07-2023 | 1130-1300hrs | NR,ER,NWRO |
1500-1630 hrs | CR,WR,WCR | ||
17-07-2023 | 1130-1300hrs | SER, Metro, NCR, NER | |
1500-1630 hrs | SR, ICF, RWF, SCR, SWR | ||
18-07-2023 | 1130-1300hrs | Railway Board, All CTIs, All PUs (except RWFE, ICF) | |
1500-1630 hrs | ECoR, NFR, NFR (Const.), ECR, SECR | ||
19-07-2023 | 1130-1300hrs | COFMOW, IROAF, IRPMU,IRWO, RDSO WPO, CTI. RRB, CORE |
4. Since, Leave module is going to be used by all the employees cutting across departments, it is advised that all the departments may depute Officers upto the rank of JAG to avail this Demo cum Training sessions invariably to further impart the training to the employees.
(V.G Bhooma)
Principal Executive Director/HR
Railway Board
Room No. 202, 2nd Floor, Rail Bhawan
Tele: 011-47174
Email: pedhr66[at]
Source: Indian Railways