Induction of Track Maintainers, Assistant Depot (Stores) & House Keeping Assistants into other departments: Railway Board

Induction of Track Maintainers, Assistant Depot (Stores) & House Keeping Assistants into other departments: Railway Board Order RBE No. 138/2023 dated 13.12.2023
RBE No. 138/2023
(रेलवे बोर्ड/RAILWAY BOARD)
No. E(NG)I-2020/CFP/2
New Delhi, dated 13.12.2023
The General Managers (P)
All Zonal Railways & Production Units, etc.
(As per standard list)
Sub: Induction of Track Maintainers, Assistant Depot (Stores) & House Keeping Assistants into other departments.
In terms of Para 179 (xiv) of IREM Vol.I, 10% of vacancies in workshops and in S&T, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Traffic & Commercial Department and Works side of Engineering Department in Divisions by transfer from amongst regular Track Maintainers, Assistant Depot (Stores) of the Stores Department and House Keeping Assistants of various departments with a minimum of 8 years service.
To regulate induction of Track maintainers and specified categories into other departments following guidelines are laid down for the purpose of Lateral Intake:
- Lateral intake is to be worked out at the time of indents placed for direct recruitment and accordingly indent to be suitably inflated for TM intake and the lateral intake is to be effected on receipt of the DR Level-1 panel.
- Track Maintainers in Level-2 may also be considered for the lateral intake, on reversion to Level-1.
- 10% Lateral intake in workshops shall be undertaken with the prior and personal approval of General Manager.
- Para 179 (xiv) shall not be applicable to Production Units and they may devise their own Lateral Intake policy of their own staff. In this regard, General Manager of PUs shall have full powers to decide the lateral transfer of staff within their jurisdiction.
- General Managers will have the full powers to adopt suitable procedure for implementation of the provisions of this paragraph as suited to the local conditions within the framework stipulated by Railway Board.
Hindi version will follow.
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Encl: Nil. Ng
(Sanjay Kumar)
Deputy Director Estt.(N)
Railway Board
Tele No. 23303658
Source: Indian Railways