Implementation of Leave Management Module of HRMS: Railway Board Order dated 23.11.2023

Implementation of Leave Management Module of HRMS: Railway Board Order dated 23.11.2023
RAILWAY BOARD (रेलवे बोर्ड)
File No. PC-VII/2023/HRMS/11
New Delhi, dated: 23.11.2023
The Principal Chief Personnel Officers,
All Indian Railways/PUs
(As per standard mailing list)
Sub: Implementation of Leave Management Module of HRMS.
Vide Board’s letter dated 27.07.2023 (RBE No. 94/2023), Field Units were advised to complete the updation of the initial balance of leave by 31.12.2023 and to get the same vetted by Accounts department. However, it has been observed that the progress has been extremely slow. To ensure that the automation of leave process is completely digital, updation and vetting of initial leave balance is of utmost importance. Therefore, it is again advised that the process of updating and vetting of leave balances may be expedited and the same may be completed at the earliest.
2. It has often been observed that subsequent to the implementation of Leave Module, employees after applying the leave in HRMS, proceed on leave without getting approved by the leave Sanctioning Authority. In this regard, it is reiterated that the Leave Module of HRMS has only digitized the process of leave and has not brought any change in the existing rules/provisions regarding sanctioning/availing of leave. As per the extant provisions, leave cannot be treated as a matter of right and the same can be availed only after sanctioning by the competent authority. Merely applying in the HRMS does not tantamount to the sanctioning of the same and therefore before proceeding on leave, every employee has to invariably ensure that the same has been sanctioned by the Competent Authority failing which action under the relevant rules needs to be initiated against such employees.
Addnl. Member (HR)
Railway Board
Ph: 011-47847174
Source: Indian Railways