Guidelines for procurement of Desktop PCs: Railway Board

Guidelines for procurement of Desktop PCs: Railway Board

Guidelines for procurement of Desktop PCs: Railway Board Order dated 04.01.2022


File No.A-15013(12)11/2020-RBCC

dated: 04.01.2022

The General Managers
All Indian Railways/Production Units
(As per Standard List)

Sub: Guidelines for procurement of Desktop PCs.

Ref: MeitY Office Memorandum No.W-43/4/2020-IPHW dated 12/05/2021.

Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) has framed Model Technical Specification of Desktop PCs for procurement to be made by Ministries / Departments and their agencies / PSUs. Accordingly, it has now been decided that procurement of Desktop PCs are to be made in Indian Railways as per Model Technical Specification issued by MeitY. Model Technical Specification and entitlement of Desktop PCs for Officers/staff are as under:-

Level of Desktop Specification Entitlement of PCs officers/staff
High End Core i7 10700/AMD R7 3700, 16 GB RAM, 1TB HDD, 256 GB SSD, DVD RW with 21.5” monitor, OS- Windows/Linux Officers SAG and above
Middle Level Core i5 10400/AMD R5 3400G, 8 GB RAM, 500 GB HDD, DVD RW with 21.5” monitor, OS-Windows/Linux Group “A” officers upto SG and Group ‘B’ officers
Entry Level Core i3 10100/AMD R3 3200G, 4 GB RAM, 500 GB HDD, DVD RW with 21.5” monitor, OS-Windows/Linux All Non- Gazetted staff


2. Procurement is to be done through GeM portal only.

This issue with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.

Please acknowledge receipt.

Encl: OM dated 12.05.2021 of MeitY.

(Bharat Bhushan Harit)
Joint Director ME/C&IS

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