Guidelines regarding monitoring of court cases pending with CORE and its projects: Railway Board

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Guidelines regarding monitoring of court cases pending with CORE and its projects: Railway Board Order dated 20.12.2023

(रेलवे बोर्ड) (RAILWAY BOARD)


New Delhi, Dated: 20/12/2023

The General Manager,
All Indian Railways/PUs/Other Units,
CAO/PLW, Patiala, CAO/WPO, Patna & CAO/RWP, Bela

Sub: Guidelines regarding monitoring of court cases pending with CORE and its projects.
Ref.: Board’s OM No. 2023/GS(Elect)/161/31/2023 Dated 11.09.2023

It has been decided that court and arbitration cases pending with CORE and its project units should be distributed as below:

a) The Zonal Railways, in whose jurisdiction the work related to contract falls, shall deal with the court & arbitration cases. The ongoing court cases may be transferred to the respective Zonal Railways by CORE before its closure.

b) In case the works of the contract being transferred belongs to more than one Railway, then associated court & arbitration cases shall be dealt by the Railway having higher TKM/quantum of work & accordingly these may transferred from CORE to Zonal Railways concerned before its closure.

c) The store related court cases. normally cover number of Zonal Railways. may be transferred to NCR and accordingly all court cases related to Store contract of CORE shall be dealt by NCR. Corresponding
manpower may be transferred from CORE to NCR to deal such cases.

2. The above issues with the approval of competent authority.

(T. Srinivas)
Joint Secretary/Railway Board
Tele No.: 011-47845551

Source: Indian Railways

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