Guidelines on accessibility of Indian Railway stations and facilities at stations for differently abled persons (Divyangjans) and passengers with reduced mobility

Notification of Guidelines on accessibility of Indian Railway stations and facilities at stations for differently abled persons (Divyangjans) and passengers with reduced mobility: Railway Board Order dated 27.11.2023
रेलवे बोर्ड RAILWAY BOARD
New Delhi, dated. 27.11.2023.
Sub: Notification of Guidelines on accessibility of Indian Railway stations and facilities at stations for differently abled persons (Divyangjans) and passengers with reduced mobility.- reg.
The undersigned is directed to refer to MoSJE’s O.M. No. 38-05/2022-DD-III dated 07.06.2022 & 21.07.2022. wherein. MoSJE had requested this Ministry to notify the Sector Specific “Guidelines on accessibility of Indian Railway stations and facilities at stations for differently abled persons (Divyangjans) and passengers with reduced mobility” in the official Gazette of India. In this connection, it is informed that the “Guidelines on accessibility of Indian Railway stations and facilities at stations for differently abled persons (Divyangjans) and passengers with reduced mobility” has been notified in the Gazette of India on 13.11.2023 and a copy of the Gazette notification is enclosed herewith for further necessary action.
2. It is further clarified that no court case related to accessibility standards on Indian Railway is contemplated in the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) and no court has passed any order which requires compliance by Ministry of Railways in this regard. It is also clarified that no media report or representation has been received/came to the notice of this ministry while notifying these accessibility standards.
3. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.
Encl: As above
(Pawan Kumar)
Dy. Director/GS/Stn.Dev.-V
Railway Board.
Ph. No. 97 1706-49647
Under Secretary (Shri 1).K. Panda)
DEPwD, Ministry of Social Justice & E:mpowerment
Pt. Deendayal Antyodaya Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi
Source: Indian Railways