Grant of regular absorption of staff working in Quasi Administrative Offices/Units

Non-redressal of issues discussed by the Federations – Grant of regular absorption of staff working in Quasi Administrative Offices/Units in the erstwhile Group ‘D’posts
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
3, Chelmsford Road, New Delhi – 110055
Affiliated to:
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
International Transport Workers’Federation (ITF)
Dated: 24/09/2018
The Chairman,
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Non-redressal of issues discussed by the Federations – Grant of regular absorption of staff working in Quasi Administrative Offices/Units in the erstwhile Group ‘D’posts – reg.
Ref: Federations Joint letters No.II/IB dated 09/05/2016 & I5/05/20I7 to CRB.
Federations have repeatedly been inviting kind attention of the Railway Board at all levels including at the level of Hon’ble MR, CRB to the DC/JCM item No.27/2006, urging decision for absorption of staff working in the Quasi Administrative Office/Units against erstwhile Group ‘D’ vacancies since long.
The subject was also discussed by NFIR and AIRF in fulI Board meetings held on 07/02/2014, 01/10/2015 and 04/02/2016. Federations are deeply disappointed that though years passed, the issue is still pending unresolved. The Federations Joint communications to the Railway Board Chairman vide letters dated 09/05/2016 and 15/05/2017 have unfortunately not yielded positive result.
The Federations have re-iterated through joint letter dated 09/05/201, the justification for restoration of the earlier policy formulated in the year 1973 & 1977 to facilitate regular absorption of staff working in Quasi Administrative Offices/Units. The Federations had sent another letter dated 15/05/2017 requesting to arrange a meeting at the level of Hon’ble MR and CRB, unfortunately no meeting has been convened as yet. Federations desire to state that 12 valid points were conveyed to the Railway Board on the legal opinion tendered by the Learned ASG relating in this particular case, but however there has been no positive response yet. Federations once again enclose a copy of 12 points for consideration at the level of Railway Ministry which we feel are sufficient to keep the policy alive. The subject was also highlighted by the Federations during. Standing Committee Meetings held between the Federations and the Railway Board (MS, DG/P etc.) on 7th Feb, 2018, 4th April, 2018 without any positive result which is unfortunate
The Federations also reiterate that the decision of Railway Board vide dated 10/06/1997 was arbitrary as the same was issued without consultations with us which amounts to breach of agreement reached with the Federations during previous periods.
We therefore requests the CRB again to kindly intervene and see that a meeting takes place at your level early to settle this long pending issue besides other issues where agreements have been reached but not implemented so far. Alternatively we suggest a special meeting with Hon’ble Railway Minister early.
Yours faithfully
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
General Secretary/AIRF
General Secretary/NFIR
Source: NFIR