Grant of honorarium to the Railway Officers/Staff for setting of question papers for LDCE: Railway Board

Grant of honorarium to the Railway Officers/Staff for setting of question papers for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination held for promotion from Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B’: Railway Board Order RBE No. 1/2024 dated 04.01.2024
RBE No.1
No. E(G)2023/HO 1-2
New Delhi dated 04.01.2024
The General Managers, .
All Indian Railways & Production Units,
(As per Standard Mailing list)
Sub: Grant of honorarium to the Railway Officers/Staff for setting of question papers for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination held for promotion from Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B’.
Please refer to Board’s letter No.E(G)2007/HO 1-7 dated 03.03.2009 and 08.04.2009 vide which the amount of honorarium for evaluation of answer books and setting of question paper in connection with Limited Departmental Competitive Examination held for promotion from Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B’ were last revised. The matter regarding enhancement of these rates has been under consideration of the Board and it has been decided that the rates of honorarium for the same shall be as below:
(i) For 70% Selection Exam-Rs.3800/- per paper.
(ii) For 30% LDCE Exam-Rs.6000/- per paper.
2. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
(Neilam Yaadav)
Director Establishment (General),
Railway Board.
Source: Indian Railways