Grant of financial upgradation under MACPS to the staff appointed to post carrying same Grade Pay / Level (7th CPC): Railway Board

Grant of financial upgradation under MACPS to the staff appointed from the post / cadre to another post / cadre carrying same Grade Pay / Level (7th CPC): Railway Board Order dated 22.08.2022
(Railway Board) रेलवे बोर्ड
S.No. PC-VII/ 187
RBE No. 98 /2022
No. PC-V/2021/M/1(NFIR)/2(E)
New Delhi, dated 22 -8-2022
The General Managers (P),
All Indian Railways and PUs.
Sub: Grant of financial upgradation under MACPS to the staff appointed from the post / cadre to another post / cadre carrying same Grade Pay / Level (7th CPC).
The issue regarding grant of MACPS benefit by not reckoning the appointment from Senior Commercial Clerk (GP 2800/ Pay Level 5) to Enquiry cum Reservation Clerk (GP 2800/ Pay Level 5) and Senior Commercial Clerk (GP 2800/ Pay Level 5) to Goods Guard (GP 2800/ Pay Level 5) has been under consideration in Board’s office. This issue has been raised by NFIR as item No. 15/2021 in PNM Forum. It has been observed that in these cases the appointment are made from one cadre to another cadre in the posts carrying same Grade Pay/ Pay level without the benefit of pay fixation. In view of this. it has been decided that while regulating MACPS benefits to such staff the appointment from Sr. Commercial Clerk (GP 2800/ Pay Level 5) to Goods Guards (GP 2800/ Pay Level 5) and Sr. Commercial Clerk (GP 2800/ Pay Level 5) to Enquiry Cum Reservation Clerk (GP 2800/ Pay Level 5) shouldn’t be construed as promotion and therefore, may not be reckoned for purpose of grant of financial upgradation under MACPS.
2. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
3. Hindi version is enclosed.
(Sudha A. Kujur)
Deputy Director, Pay Commission
Railway Board
Source: Indian Railways