GDCE for filling up of 25% to 50% of net direct recruitment quota vacancies in Group ‘C’ categories: Railway Board

Scheme of GDCE for filling up of 25% to 50% of net direct recruitment quota vacancies in Group ‘C’ categories – Clarification of Nomination of Chairman/RRB for setting up of question: Railway Board
RBE No. 159/2022.
(रेलवे बोर्ड RAILWAY BOARD)
No. E(NG)1/2021/PM1/8
New Delhi, 29.11.2022
The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways/PUs (As per standard mailing list)
The Chairmen,
(i) Railway Recruitment Boards
(ii) Railway Recruitment Cells
Sub: Scheme of General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE) for filling up of 25% to 50% of net direct recruitment quota vacancies in Group ‘C’ categories – Clarification of Nomination of Chairman/RRB for setting up of question reg.
Ref: (i) Railway Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2008/PM1/6 dated 20.10.2014(RBE No. 113/2014) and dated 14.11.2014(RBE No.128/2018).
(ii) Board’s letter of even number dated 27.04.2022.
As the Railway Administrations are aware, in terms of instructions contained in RBE No. (28/2014 referred to above, EDE(RRB) is empowered to nominate concerned Chairman of Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) for setting/providing of question papers for GDCE to respective Railway Recruitment Cell (RRC).
Further, instructions have been issued vide letter of even number dated 27.04.2022 regarding procedure for selection of Examination Conducting Agency (ECA) for conduct of CBT against GDCE Quota. Para 2.3.7 (Question Set) of the Committee’s report enclosed with the above letter, provides that the Exam Conducting Agency (ECA) has sole responsibility to ensure a robust mechanism for preparation of questions and a secure mechanism for the transmission of the same to the computer nodes in all the venues during examination. The examination Conducting Agency shall adhere to ensure to maintain highest standard of confidentiality in creation, processing, maintenance, storage, encryption and administration of question set. Accordingly, it is clarified that henceforth, the responsibility for setting of Question Paper for GDCE shall lie with the ECA selected for conduct of the CBT for GDCE.
Please acknowledge receipt of this letter.
Hindi version will follow.
DA: Nil
(Saniay Kumar)
Deputy Director Estt.(N)
Railway Board
E-mail: sanjay.kumar6[at]
Source: Railway Board