Family Identity Cards for retired railway employees

Railway Board Order on issue of Family Identity Cards for retiring / retired railway employees with – life time validity – ID Cards with 7 years validity already issued can be replaced with this new ID Card
RBE No.12/2016
No.E(W)2003/PS 5-8/1
New Delhi, Dated 29.01.2016
The General Managers(P)
The General Managers(Commercial),
All Indian Railways.
Sub: Family Identity Cards to retiring/retired railway employees.
Ref: Board’s letter of even No.dated 16.03.2015.
In terms of Board’s letter cited under reference, Family Identity Cards (FICs) are to be issued to retiring/retired railway employees and the Widows of railway employees with life time validity.
2. The issue of simplification of FICs, presently in the form of a booklet, was considered and with the approval of Board, it has been decided that individual FICs should be issued to the retiring/retired railway officials and the Widows of railway employees in the form of computer printed and laminated cards on the model enclosed as Annexure-I. As it is stipulated in the Pass Rules that the Railway Administration should issue FIC, for the first time simplified FICs may be issued free of cost. However, issue of duplicate FICs should be on receipt of a written request, accompanied by a copy of FIR filed on loss of the card and payment @ Rs.25/- per card.
3. The Railways should commence issue of individual FICs within 2 months from the date of issue of these instructions. It has also been decided that in order to avoid any rush, FICs in the booklet form issued till March 2015 with 7 years validity may be replaced free of cost with individual FICs as and when they become due for renewal. However, if any retired official requests for individual FICs in lieu of old FTC before the expiry of validity, such requests may not be denied and individual FICs should be issued free of cost treating it as renewal. In case of officials who retired after April 2015 and got an FIC with life time validity, they may be allowed to get it replaced with individual FICs, free of cost, as per their convenience. FICs in the booklet form will, however, continue as a valid identity proof for travel on PRCP till its replacement with individual FICs in due course so that pensioners do not face any problem while travelling. Individual FICs for travel on Widow Passes may also be issued on the same model.
4. The following instructions issued vide Board’s letter of even no. dated 04.06.2003 would continue to be in force:-
(i) The identity card should be carried by the spouse/dependent children during journey and produced on demand by the Ticket Checking Staff.
(ii) The FICs, will be issued by the office from where the employees retired.
(iii) In case of retired employees/Widows drawing Post-retirement Complimentary Pass/Widow Pass from an office other than the office where the original FIC was issued, the renewal of the FIC shall be done by the authority who is issuing the pass to the applicant. For the purpose of renewal, the applicant shall submit the old FIC based on which renewal will be done.
(iv) Any addition in the FIC shall be done only by the office who issued the FIC for the first time. Renewing authorities shall have no power to carry out any addition in FIC. However, deletion of eligible member in FIC on account of death. marriage of daughter, etc. may be allowed on request.
5. Aadhaar No., if available may be incorporated in the FICs an indicated in the format. Necessary action may be taken by the Railways accordingly.
6. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
(Sunil Kumar)
Director Establishment (welfare)
Railway Board
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.12/2016 No.E(W)2003/PS 5-8/1, Dated 29.01.2016