Facilities for labour working in the goods sheds on IR: Railway Board

Facilities for labour working in the goods sheds on IR: Railway Board Order dated 13.02.2024
भारत सरकार (Government of India)
रेल मंत्रालय (Ministry of Railways)
रेलवे बोर्ड (Railway Board)
No. TC-1/2020/304/efile/Labourers
New Delhi, dt.13.02.2024
Pr. Chief Commercial Manager
All Zonal Railways
Sub: Facilities for labour working in the goods sheds on IR
Ref: (i)Board’s letter No. TC-1/2020/304/efile/Labourers dt.3] 03.2023
(11)Board’s letter No. TC-I/98/304/10/Pt. VII dt.14.09.2017
Please find enclosed herewith a copy of extant guidelines on the above mentioned Subject.
Zonal Railways are requested to display the extant policy circulars in all goods shed at conspicuous places for information of all concerned.
DA: above
अतुल कुमार
संयुक्त निदेशक (दर)
रेलवे बोर्ड
भारत सरकार (Government of India)
रेल मंत्रालय (Ministry of Railways)
रेलवे बोर्ड (Railway Board)
No. PC-1/2020/304efile/Labourers
New Delhi, dt.31.03.2023
Pr. Chief Commercial Manager
All Zonal Railways
Sub: Facilities for labour working in the goods sheds on IR.
Ref: (i) Rates Circular No. 18 of 2004
(ii) Board’s letter of even number dt 14.09.2017
Representations are being received from various unions regarding provision of I-card, medical facility, railway pass, minimum wages, etc. to labour engaged in loading/unloading at goods sheds: office space & railway pass for its office bearer, etc.
In this regard. extant policy guidelines are reiterated as under –
- Railways provide the facility of drinking water, toilets and resting facilities at goods sheds. In addition to this it has also been decided that raised taps for bathing purpose is also be considered for provision by Zonal Railways on case to case basis depending on local requirements as a gesture of general welfare.
- The work of loading/unloading of wagons at Goods Sheds is organized by the consignor(s)’consignee(s) and not by the Railway. As labour is engaged by the freight customer, therefore, Railway is not accountable for their service condition and other measures e.g. I-card, medical facility, railway pass minimum wages etc. Indian Railway does not recognize any union in this regard.
This is for the information of all concerned.
(बरजेश धर्माणी)
कार्यपालक निदेशक, यातायात वाणिज्य (दर)
रेलवे बोर्ड
Source: Indian Railways