Engagement of Medical Practitioners on Contract Basis in Railways

Railways to engage Medical Professionals on Contract basis – To Engage on contract Medical Practitioners and Dental Surgeons – Details of reimbursement
No. 2018/Trans.CelI/Health/CMP & PTDS
New Delhi, dated: 06.06.2018
The General Manager, All lndian Railways/PUS, NF(Con), CORE
The DG/RDSO/Lucknow, DG/NAIR/Vadodara
Sub: Engagement/Re-engagement of Medical Practitioners on Contract basis (CMPs) including Part-time Dental Surgeons, Classification of operations and reimbursement of expenditure on Dental treatment
Ref: 1. Railway Board letter no. 2017/Trans/01/Policy dated 18.10.2017
2. Railway Board letter No. 2017/H-1/25/2/Dental/Policy dated 23.03.18
Based on the feedback provided by doctors in the field, the matter of engagement/re-engagement of CMPs including Pan-time Dental Surgeons, classification of operations into major, minor, special etc and re-imbursement of Dental treatment has been reconsidered and the Board (MS, FC & CRB) have approved the following.
. (a) Engagement of Medical Practitioners on Contract basis (CMPs) including Part-time Dental Surgeons
(i) Full powers for engagement of CMPs including Part-time Dental Surgeons were delegated to DRMs vide reference 1 above. DRMs will exercise these powers based on recommendations of the committee headed by CMS, Sr.DPO and Sr.DFM (One member not below JA Grade of SC/ST may be co-opted if not already on the committee to be nominated by DRM)
(ii) Full powers for engagement of Contract Medical Practitioners (CMPs) including Part-time dental surgeons for Workshops are delegated to CWMs (SAG) who will exercise these powers based on recommendations of the committee headed by One SAG doctor nominated by CWM, One JAG personnel officer & One JAG finance officer (One member not below JA Grade of SC/ST may be co-opted ifnot already on the committee to be nominated by CWM). If the officers of required grade are not posted under CWM, the officers from the nearest division may be got nominated from the DRM ofthat division. These powers are limited to CWMs having hospitals under their control.
(iii) Full powers for engagement of Contract Medical Practitioners (CMPs) including Part-time dental surgeons for PUs are delegated to GM(or CAO) of PU/DG(RDSO) who will exercise these powers based on recommendations of the committee headed by CMO, One JAG personnel officer & One JAG finance officer (One member not below JA Grade of SC/ST may be co-opted if not already on the committee to be nominated by GM(or CAO) of PU/DG(RDSO)).
(iv) For engagement of Part-time Dental Surgeons, an lRMS Dental Surgeon not below the rank of JAG will be included in the committee.
(b) Re-engagement of Medical Practitioners on Contract basis (CMPs) including Part-time Dental Surgeons:
The re-engagement of CMPs including Part-Time Dental Surgeons for additional terms not exceeding one year each may be done with the approval of MD/Zonal Hospital for Zonal Hospitals and with the approval of DRMs/CWMs/GM(or CAO) of PU for hospitals in Divisions/Workshops/PUS. The approval for re-engagement of CMPs/Part-time Dental Surgeons may be considered on the basis of recommendation of a nominated SAG level Medical officer for Zonal Hospital or CMS/CMO for Division/Workshop/PU. The proposal shall be submitted to associate Personnel office who shall process for recommendation, finance concurrence and sanction of competent authority in the Division/Workshop/Zonal Hospital/PU.
(c) The conditions of maximum number of terms for re-engagement, age and other terms and conditions as per extant policy shall remain unchanged.
2. Classification of operations:
The classification of operations into Major, Minor, Special etc be reviewed by Health Directorate and new operations may also be added to the list.
3. Reimbursement of expenditure on Dental treatment:
The reimbursement of expenditure, incurred on Dental treatment of Railway beneficiaries, is permitted as per Railway Board letter No. 2017/H-l/25/2/Dental/Policy dated 23.03.18. This arrangement, which was being extended every year is made permanent.
4. This issues with the concurrence of Associate Finance of Transformation Cell of Railway Board.
(Anand S. Khati)
Executive Director
Establishment (G)
No. 2018/Trans Cell/Health/CMP & PTDS
(Rajesh Gupta)
Executive Director
Transformation Cell
New Delhi, dated: 06.06.2018
1. PFAs, All Indian Railways & Production Units
2. The ADAl (Railways), New Delhi
3. The Director of Audit, All Indian Railways