Encashment of Leave on LTC applicable to spouse of govt employees working in Railways
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Railway Board allows Encashment of Leave on LTC for Railway Employees whose spouse working in Central Government avail All India LTC
PC-VII No. 121/2018
RBE. No.157/2018
New Delhi, dated: 11/10/2018.
The GMs/PFAs,
All Zonal Railways/Production Units.
(As per mailing list)
Sub: Encashment of Leave on Average Pay along with All India Leave Travel Concession (AILTC) in a block of four years (i.e. 2018-2021 onwards) on surrender of Privilege Passes (PP).
In terms of the instructions issued vide Board’s letter No.E(VV)2017/PS 5-1/3 dated 10.09.2018, railway employees have been allowed the facility of All India LTC facility in accordance with the Central Civil Services (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1988. As Leave encashment of 10 days EL is allowed along with LTC on civil side, the matter of allowing encashment of upto 10 days LAP to Railway employees availing AILTC as per the aforesaid orders dated 10.09.2018 has been under consideration of the Board.
2. The Board, after due consideration, has decided that since the Railway employees have been allowed optional AILTC in accordance with the Central Civil Services (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1988, Railway servants availing the facility of AILTC, In terms of Board’s instructions dated 10.09.2018 mentioned En para 1 above may also be allowed to encash LAP upto 10 days.
3. In terms of para 2(ix) of the Department of Personnel & training’s G.M. No.31011/15/ 2017 dated 27.03.2018, in case of the Government employees whose spouse is working in Railways, want to avail All India LTC, either independently or with family members, then he/she/they may be allowed subject to the condition of surrendering privilege passes admissible in that calendar year for him/her/them and an undertaking in this regard shall be given by the Government servant to his office.
4. In the cases mentioned in para 3, too, the spouse of the Government employees working in Railways may be allowed to avail encashment of leave upto 10 days on the All India LTC availed by the Government employee in terms of para 2(ix) of DOP&T’s G.M. dated 27.03.2018 mentioned above.
5. All the other existing laid down conditions on encashment of LAP shall remain the same.
(G. Priya Sudarsani)
Director Finance(Estt.)
Railway Board.
Also check the following links related to this topic:
CCS (LTC) Rules – Leave Travel Concession (LTC) for Railway Employees
Leave Travel Concession – LTC for Central Government Employees
LTC – Leave Travel Concession Extended to Railway Employees-DOPT order
Leave Encashment for Central Government Employees while availing LTC
Relaxation of Rule for encashment of Leave on Average Pay while availing Privilege Pass / PTO