Discontinuation of Interview for non-gazetted posts in railways

Discontinuation of interview/viva-voce while conducting recruitment for non-gazetted posts against direct recruitment quota vacancies on the Railways.
Railway Board circular on Discontinuation of Interview for non-gazetted posts in railways
RBE No.17/2016
No. E (NG)-II/2016/RR-1/2
New Delhi, Dated 16.02.2016
The General Manager (P)
All Indian Railways/PUS,
Sub: Discontinuation of interview/viva-voce while conducting recruitment for non-gazetted posts against direct recruitment quota vacancies on the Railways.
Pursuant to the acceptance of recommendations of Committee of Secretaries regarding ‘discontinuation of interviews at the lower level posts,‘ Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) have decided that in supersession of all the instructions issued earlier, the practice of interview/viva-voce, while conducting recruitment for non-gazetted posts against direct recruitment quota vacancies through all modes be discontinued with immediate effect. Thus, wherever, Recruitment Rules specify the process of recruitment which includes conduct of interview, the same stands amended accordingly. However, it is clarified that skill test and Physical Efficiency Test (PET) being different from interview, such test may continue to be undertaken.
Further, notification(s) for employment to posts against direct recruitment quota vacancies, if already issued for recruitment with interview as a component, the same may be re-notified in terms of stipulation made above.
Please acknowledge receipt.
(Neeraj Kumar)
Railway Board
Download Railway Board RBE No.17/2016 No. E (NG)-II/2016/RR-1/2 dated 16.02.2016