Deputation – Consolidation of instructions – Revised Master Circular No. 57: Railway Board

Urgent review of cases of overstay while on deputation: DOPT

Deputation – Consolidation of instructions – Revised Master Circular No. 57: Railway Board Order dated 23.06.2022


Revised MC No. 57
RBE No. 72/2022

No. F(E)IL/202 1/DE/L/1(MC)

New Delhi, Dated 23.06.2022

General Managers,
All Indian Railways,
Production Units,
Metro Railway, Kolkata,
And others,

Sub: Deputation —Consolidation of instructions.

Master Circular No. 57 incorporating consolidated instructions in respect of Deputation was issued vide Board’s letter No. F(E)/2001/DE/1/1(MC) dated 05.11.2001. Since then, certain modifications/revisions of the rules governing Deputation have taken place. As such, a revised Master Circular incorporating instructions so far has been brought out and is sent herewith. If any circular current on the subject has been lost sight of, the same should not be ignored and should be treated as valid and operative. Further, in case any doubt arises, only the original circulars issued from time to time may be relied upon.

2. Please acknowledge receipt.

(Vikas Makhijani)
Dy, Director Finance (Estt.)
Railway Board
DA: As above.

Source: Indian Railways

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