Delegation of Powers for sanction of projects: Railway Board

Delegation of Powers for sanction of projects: Railway Board

Delegation of Powers for sanction of projects: Railway Board Order dated 08.05.2024


No.2024/F(X)II/10/6-Part (1)

New Delhi, dated: 08/05/2024

The General Managers,
All Indian Railways and Production Units.
The Director General, RDSO, Lucknow.
The General Manager, CORE, Allahabad.
CAQOs (Const).
CAO, MTP/Mumbai.
CAO/DMW and COFMOW, New Delhi.

Sub: Delegation of Powers for sanction of projects.

Ref: i) Board’s letter No.2021/F(X)II/PW/3 dated 21.09.2021.
li) Board’s letter No.2022/F(X)II/PW/8 dated 07.12.2022.
ii) Board’s letter No. 2022/F(X)II/PW/4 dated 30.05.2023.
iv) Board’s letter No.2022/F(X)II/PW/9 dated 11.08.2023.
Vv) Board’s letter No.2022/F(X)II/PW/6 dated 01.03.2023 & 21.04.2023.

The proposal for revision of powers of field units for sanction of projects was under consideration of Board from some time. With a view to fasttrack the execution of Railway projects, it has now been decided by Board to enhance the powers of GMs and DRMs to sanction projects, as indicated below:

1) Delegation of powers to GMs:

PH Description of Plan-Head Extent of powers for sanction of itemized works under Umbrella/Lump sum
16 Traffic facilities-Yard remodelling and others. 50 Cr
17 Computerisation 5 Cr
18 Railway Research 5 Cr
29 Road Safety Works — Level Crossings 10 Cr
30 Road Safety Works — ROB/RUB 30 Cr (in lieu of LC )Other cases costing more than Rs.2.5 Cr -With Board’s approval.
31 Track renewals. 50 Cr
32 Bridge works, tunnel works and approaches 50 Cr
33 Signalling and Telecommunication works. 10 Cr
35 Electrification projects. 10 Cr
36 Other Electrical works including TRD works 10 Cr
41 Machinery and Plant. 10 Cr
42 Workshops including production Units. 10 Cr
51 Staff Welfare
  • 5Cr
  • 5 Cr ( for works of Railway schools, dispensary)
  • Rs 2.5 Cr for institutes, officers club, rest houses and holiday homes.
53 Customer Amenities 20 Cr(Works involving FOB, lift, and escalators which are covered under the existing policies of delegation may be dealt with by GMs and only exceptions to be sent to Rly. Board for sanction).
64 Other specified works. 5 Cr
65 Training/HRD 5 Cr

ii) Delegation of powers to DRMs:

PH Description of Plan-Head Extent of powers for sanction of itemized works under Lump sum
16 Traffic facilities-Yard remodelling and others. 5 Cr
29 Road Safety Works — Level Crossings 5 Cr
30 Road Safety Works — ROB/RUB 5 Cr (in lieu of LC )Other cases costing more than Rs 2.5 Cr -With Board’s approval.
33 Signalling and Telecommunication works. 5 Cr
36 Other Electrical works including TRD works 5 Cr
42 Workshops including production Units. 5 Cr
53 Customer Amenities 5 Cr
For other Planheads, existing delegation will continue.

2. Please acknowledge receipt.

Jt. Director Finance (Exp.)
(Railway Board).

Source: Indian Railways

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