Delegation of powers regarding sanction of air travel to DRM/Ferozpur Division/NR in r/o officers posted in connection with USBRE Project: Railway Board

Delegation of powers regarding sanction of air travel to DRM/Ferozpur Division/NR in r/o officers posted in connection with USBRE Project: Railway Board Order dated 21.06.2023
RAILWAY BOARD (रेलवे बोर्ड)
No. F(E)I/2016/AL-28/68
New Delhi, dated: 21.06.2023
The General Manager,
Northern Railway,
New Delhi.
Sub: Delegation of powers regarding sanction of air travel to DRM/Ferozpur Division/NR in r/o officers posted in connection with USBRE Project.
Ref: (i). Northern Railway’s letter No. 98-G/ Model SOP/RB/Corrs/2011-23 dated 21.04.2023 (ii). Board’s letters of even number dated 09.01.2016, 25.08.2020 and 27.05.2022 & (iii) Board’s letter No. 2017/Trans/01 Poles, dated 09.01.2018.
In terms of Board’s letter of even number dated 09.11.2016, DRM/’Ferozpur Division/NR was delegated powers of sanctioning to & fro air travel from Amritsar: Jammu — Srinagar, in connection with USBRL Project for all branch officers working under his administrative control, with personal concurrence of Sr. DFM/FZR, for the period of 02 years w.e.f. 09.11.2016 under certain terms & conditions.
Subsequently, vide Board’s letter No.2017/Trans/01/Policy, dated 09.01.2018, these powers to DRM/Ferozpur were extended for sanctioning air travel in r/o all officers working under the administrative control of DRM Ferozpur including Junior and Senior Scale officers. It was also approved to include journeys between Chandigarh and Srinagar under this delegation of powers. This was agreed to as a special case for a period upto 09.01.2020. Further, these delegations were extended from time to time, the last being up to 31.03.2023 with the approval of Board (MF, CRB & CEO) vide Board’s letter of even number dated 27.05.2022.
Now, it has been decided with the approval of Board (MF, CRB & CEQ) that these delegations may further be extended till 31.03.2024 beyond 31.03.2023 or till the completion of the USBRL project, whichever is earlier. The other terms & conditions/instructions issued vide above referred letters dated 09.01.2016, 09.01,2018, 25.08.2020 & 27.05.2022 will remain unchanged.
Jitendra Kumar
Dy. Director Finance (Estt.)I
Railway Board.
Tele No, 011-23047023
Email ID- jitendrak.rbh[at]
4th Floor, Room No.445
Source: Indian Railways