Delegation of Powers to CAO/Con for construction projects – Railway Board letter dated 26.04.2023

Delegation of Powers to CAO/Con for certain items including ‘Air travel on duty’ – Railway Board letter dated 26.04.2023
New Delhi, dated 26/04/2023
The General Managers, Indian Railways.
The Director General, RDSO, Lucknow.
The General Manager, CORE, Allahabad.
CAOs (Const).
CAO, MTP/Mumbai.
Sub: Delegation of Powers to CAO/Con for construction projects.
Ref: i) Model Schedule of Powers, 2018
ii) Board’s letter No. 2022/F(X)II/PW/1 dated 10.05.2022
iii) Board’s letter No. 2022/F(X)II/PW/3 dated 20.07.2022
iv) Board’s letter No. 2022/F(X)II/PW/1 dated 10.04.2023
Vide Board’s letter at reference (iv) above, powers were delegated to CAO/C organization on certain items including ‘Air travel on duty’ (Item No. 47 H of SOP, Part-C Miscellaneous Matters).
2. Clarification has been asked by one of the field units regarding Finance concurrence for sanction of air travel on duty for various officers.
3. In order to further simplify the matter, it has been decided to modify the above item as indicated in Annexure of this letter.
(Ajeet Kumar Srivastava)
Executive Director Finance (Exp.)
Railway Board
No.2022/F(X)II/PW/1 New Delhi, dated 26/04/2023
Copy to:
i) Dy. Comptroller & Auditor General of India (Railways), Room No. 224, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi.
ii) PFAs, All Indian Railways.
iii) FA & CAO(C)s, All Indian Railways.
(Ajeet Kumar Srivastava)
Executive Director Finance (Exp.)
Railway Board
Annexure to Board’s letter No.2022/F(X)II/PW/1 Dated 26/04/2023
PART-C – Miscellaneous Matters
Nature of change | S.No. of SOP | Nature of Powers | PHOD/HOD | DRM/ADRM/CWM/ SAG Officers in Field Units | Divisional Officers, Extra Divisional Officers & Officers in Headquarters | REMARKS |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |
Updated | 47 H | Air travel on duty | GMs
Subject to note (i) and (iv) and (v) below: i) Full powers without Finance concurrence for officers in regular SAG and above. ii) Full powers for officers in NFSAG/SG and below upto Senior Supervisor level with finance concurrence. |
CAO/C, DRM for Gati Shakti works
Officers and senior supervisors (Finance concurrence not mandatory) subject to note below. |
1. These are discretionary powers to be exercised with personal approval of competent authority.
Authority: 1. RB Ltr. No. 2017/Trans/01/ Policy dt. 18.10.2017 2. F(E)I/2017/AL-28/41 dt.24.04.2018 & 08.05.2018 |
Note: i) Conditions being fulfilled as prescribed in letter No F (E)I/2021/AL-28/47 dated 13-08-2021. ii) The request for air travel is to be processed in E-office only. iii) The air travel of CAO/C and DRM/Gati Shakti office will be post audited by associate Finance and reported through MCDO to HQ and Board as the case may be. iv) The approving authority needs to make sure that the flight with lowest air fare is taken. v) Suitable check list duly filled in at the time of approval is necessary. |
Source: Indian Railways