Clarification on Grant of Conveyance Allowance at the revised rates to Railway Medical Officers

7th Central Pay Commission – Clarification on Grant of Conveyance Allowance at the revised rates to Railway Medical Officers: Railway Board
Government of India / (भारत सरकार)
Ministry of Railways / (रेल मंत्रालय)
(Railway Board) (रेलवे बोर्ड)
PC-VII No. 165
RBE No. 12/2021
No. F(E)I/2020/AL-7/1
New Delhi, dated 24.02.2021
The General Managers,
All Indian Railways etc.,
(As per Standard Mailing List).
Sub: Recommendation of 7th Central Pay Commission – Grant of Conveyance Allowance at the revised rates to Railway Medical Officers clarification-reg.
Ret: Board’s letter No. F(E)I/2016/AL-7/1 dated 09.06.2020.
In terms of Board’s letter of even number dated 09.06.2020 (Annexure-I). Ministry of Health and Family Welfare’s instructions, issued vide their O.M. No. A-45012/04/2017/CHS-V (Pt) dated 09.04.2019 (Annexure-II), in consultation with Ministry of Finance / Department of Expenditure. regarding grant of Conveyance Allowance at the revised rate to Central heath Service (CHS) Doctors was adopted mutatis-mutandis for Railway Medical Officers and circulated over Indian Railways.
2. The above mentioned instructions provide that the Conveyance Allowance to Railway Medical Officers will be admissible as per the provisions and at the rates mentioned in Ministry of Finance/ Department of Expenditure O.M. No.19039/03/2017/-E.1V dated 19th July. 2017.
3. Subsequently. on receipt of a representation from Indian Railway Medical Service Association (IRMSA). a reference was made to Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. the nodal Ministry in the matter. They have reviewed the matter in consultation with Ministry of Finance / Department of Expenditure. It has accordingly been decided that the instructions contained in Board’s above referred letter will remain unchanged and the Conveyance Allowance to Railway Medical Officers will continue to be admissible as per the provisions and at the rates mentioned in Ministry of Finance /Department of Expenditure O.M. No.19039/03/2017/-E.1V dated 19th July, 2017.
4. This disposes of Indian Railway Medical Service Association’s letter No. IRHS/conveyance allowance. dated 13.07.2020 and South East Central Railway’s letter No. SECR/HQA/Estt.-Fin/2020-21/Misc/352. dated 05.08.2020
5. Hindi version will follow.
6. Please acknowledge receipt.
Encl: As above.
Jitendra Kumar
Dy. Director, Finance (E)
Railway Board