Computer Based Test (CBT) of Appendix-III (IREM) Examination 2024: Railway Board

Computer Based Test (CBT) of Appendix-III (IREM) Examination 2024: Railway Board Order dated 20.02.2024
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)
No. A(E)/A3/2024/1/1
New Delhi, Dt. 20.02.2024
The General Managers and FA & CAQOs,
All Indian Railways & Production Units.
CORE/Allahabad, DG/RDSO, Lucknow
CAO(Rlys), MTP/Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi and Kolkata
New Delhi.
All Zonal Railways.
Sub: – Computer Based Test (CBT) of Appendix-III (IREM) Examination.
The Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) has decided to hold the CBT Appendix-3 (IREM) Examination in April, 2024. Immediate action-may be initiated to call for the names of the candidates, eligible and willing to appear in the above examination. In terms of Board’s letter No.E(NG)I-2005/PM 1/52 dated 22.8.06. the cut-off for determining the eligibility of the candidates for appearing in exam-is the date of issue of-notifications.
2. The name of-the candidates who desire to answer their papers in Hindi ‘from your unit: may please be indicated. No change in medium shall be entertained once the details of candidates are submitted to Railway Board.
2.1 The Examination will be held from 15.04.2024 to 16.04.2024 in two shifts as per the programme given in Annexure ‘A’.
2.2 The qualifying marks in the individual paper (both objective and subjective) will be 40% (for SC/ ST it will be 30%). Candidates should obtain an aggregate of 45% in the three objectives paper (for SC/ST category it will be 35%).
2.3 A candidate who qualify all objective papers (individual and aggregate) and subjective paper will be declared successful to have passed the Appendix III IREM examination
2.4 The exemption for taking paper in the subsequent attempts will be 60% and above. The exemption will only stay for five attempts beyond which the paper needs to. be taken again.
2.5 Subjective paper will be conducted through online mode. Question paper will be available on computer and candidate will have to write answers on paper.
2.6 Subjective paper will be evaluated only for such candidates who qualify all objective papers.
2.7. There will be no cap on the maximum number of attempts to appear in Appendix III IREM Exam under the CBT mode.
2.8 The examination will be bilingual in Hindi/English as per the medium selected by the candidate.
3. The following program is laid down which should be strictly adhered to:-
i) Preliminary list of candidates, should be completed by 01.03.2024.
ii) List of candidates as per Performa given in Annexure-B (to be filled in ‘Excel’ format in font size-12, Times New Roman). The list should be carefully checked and should be signed on each page by a Gazetted officer. The hard copy should be accompanied by a covering letter duly signed by the concerned FA&CAO dealing with administration or Dy. CAO/G certifying that the list has been checked for correctness of particulars of each candidate. Any subsequent correction/modification to the list should be issued with the personal approval of the PFA-and may kindly ensure that instructions issued for preparation of lists are carefully followed.
4. No Cognizance will be given by the Board for receipt of information after the target dates mentioned in para 3 above.
5. It is re-iterated that in addition to above instructions, all other instructions regarding conducting the Appendix-3 REM Examination circulated from time to time should-be scrupulously followed.
6. If any change becomes necessary after ‘sending the data, only the specific. changes/modifications may be advised, instead of sending the complete list again.
7. For further clarification, following officials may be contacted:-
- Shri Basant K Singh PED (Accounts) 47066 23047066
- Shri Ajay Bartwal JDF(CCA) 47018 23047018
- Smt. Meena DD/Acs(Exam) 43474 23043474
8. The receipt of this letter may be acknowledged.
(Ajay Bartwal)
Joint Director Finance (CCA)
Railway Board
Source: Indian Railways