Comprehensive Transfer Policy – Exemption from 5 years service condition

Departmental Exam in Railways

Railway Board Comprehensive Transfer Policy – Exemption 05 years service condition for transfers sought on mutual exchange basis on spouse basis

Ministry of Railways has issued a Circular on Comprehensive Transfer Policy




New Delhi, dated 10.02.2017

The General Managers (P)

All Zonal Railways/production Units

(As per standard List)

Sub:- Comprehensive Transfer Policy – Exemption 05 years service condition

Ref:- Railway Board’s letter No. E(0)111-2014/PL/05 dated 31.08.2015

Attention is invited to para (xi) of Board’s letter referred to above subject where in was stated that in the case of non-gazetted railway employees, no inter railway transfer requests will be considered till completion of five (05) years of joining Railways.

2. References have been received from Zonal Railways seeking clarifications in connection with the condition of five years. particularly its applicability to requests for transfers sought on mutual exchange basis on spouse basis etc. Both the Staff Federations viz. AIRF and NFIR have also raised this issue. The matter has accordingly been considered by the competent authority and, in partial modification of Board’s letter referred to above, it has now been decided that the following categories of transfers in the case of non-gazetted staff will be exempted from the condition of a minimum of five (05) years service:-

i) Transfers sought on mutual exchange basis;
ii) Transfers sought on spouse ground;
iii) Railway servants who are care-givers to a disabled child and
iv) Physically handicapped Railway Servants.

3. Others terms and conditions governing such transfers remain unchanged.

Hindi version will follow.

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Deputy Director Estt.(N)

Railway Board

Download Railway Board circular No.E (NG)1-2015/TR/20 dated 10.02.2017