Closing of CG Offices located in Delhi from 08.09.2023 to 10.09.2023 on the occasion of G-20 Summit in Delhi: Railway Board

Closing of Central Government Offices located in Delhi from 08.09.2023 to 10.09.2023 on the occasion of G-20 Summit in Delhi: Railway Board Order dated 24.08.2023
रेलवे बोर्ड (RAILWAY BOARD)
No, 2023/E(LR)INV/LR/HL/01
New Delhi, dated 24.08.2023
The General Managers
All Indian Railways.
(As per standard list)
Sub: Closing of Central Government Offices located in Delhi from 08.09.2023 to 10.09.2023 on the occasion of G-20 Summit in Delhi.
On the above mentioned subject, Department of Personnel and Training vide O.M. No. 12/7/2023-JCA dated 24.08.2023 (copy enclosed) has advised that the G-20 Summit will be held in Delhi on 9-10 September, 2023. The Summit will be attended by a number of Heads of States, Heads of Government including EU, invitee guest countries and Heads of International Organizations.
2. Recognizing the magnitude of this event and the substantial logistical arrangement involved, it has been decided to keep the Central Government Offices located in Delhi closed from 08.09.2023 to 10.09.2023 on the occasion of G-20 Summit to be held in Delhi.
Zonal Railways and PUs may please bring the above to the notice of all concerned.
DA:As above
(Hem Chander)
Jt. Director, Estt(IR)
Railway Board
Source: Indian Railways