Cadre Restructuring in Railway Group C Cadres – NFIR

NFIR requests Head Cashier, Assistant Divisional Cashier Cadres restructuring particularly in Western Railway

National Federation of Indian Railwaymenย requestsย Cadre restructuring in Group ‘C’ Cadres – Cashiers (Supervisory)


National Federation of Indian Railwaymen


No. I/8/CRC/09/Vol. 10

Dated: 05/01/2016

The Secretary (E),

Railway Board,

New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Sub: Cadre restructuring in Group ‘C’ Cadres – Cashiers (Supervisory)-reg.

Ref: (i) NFIR’s letter No. I/8/CRC/09/Vol. 9 dated 01/08/2014, No. I/8/CRC/09/Vol. 10 dated 16/10/2014, letter No. l/8/CRC/09/Vol.10 dated 15/12/2014, 02/07/2015 &06/07/2015.
(ii) Railway Board’s letter No. PC-IlI/2014/Misc/l dated 20/11/2014, 12/06/2015 & 13/07/2015.
(iii) NF IR’s letter No. I/8/CRC/09/Vol. 10 dated 28/09/2015.
(iv) Item No. 29 of NF IR’s PNM agenda sent to Railway Board on 10/12/2015.

While inviting attention of the Railway Board to the correspondence cited under reference on the subject matter, Federation desires to state that the Railway Board has not taken adequate action to grant benefit of cadre restructuring to the Cashiers working in Cash & Pay (Receipt Side) on the Zonal Railways, more particularly the Western Railway.

To remedy the situation, the Federation in the agenda for ensuing PNM meeting (under Item No. 29) sent to the Railway Board on 10/12/2015, had suggested merger of the posts of Head Cashier (GP 4200/-) and Assistant Divisional Cashiers (GP 4200/-) with back date, similar to the decision given in the past by the Board vide letter No. E(NG)I-2004/PM9/2 dated 27/07/2007, in respect of merger of Sr. Cashier Gr-I with the IOC/ADC working in the Pay Side wing of Cash & Pay Department. There is however, no response to Federation’s proposal. Federation desires to reiterate that the benefit of cadre restructuring to this category of staff from 01/11/2013 is yet to be extended on the Zones.

NFIR urges upon the Railway Board to issue instructions on the lines mentioned in para 2 above for proper implementation of cadre restructuring in respect of Cashiers (Receipt Side) of Cash & Pay Department on the Zonal Railways, more particularly on Western Railway. A copy of the instructions issued may be endorsed to the Federation.

Yours faithfully,

(Dr. M. Raghavaih)

General Secretary

Download NFIR No. I/8/CRC/09/Vol.10 dated 05.01.2016