Age relaxation to residents of State Jammu and Kashmir

Railway Board Circular on Age relaxation to the residents of the State of Jammu & Kashmir. Existing relaxation extended up to 31/12/2017
Ministry of Railways Circular on Age relaxation to residents of State Jammu and Kashmir
RBE No.1/2016.
No. E (NG)-11/95/RR-1/26.
New Delhi, dt.: 06.01.2016.
The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways/Production Units, CORE/Allahabad,
MTP/Kolkata, Chennai, Mumbai,
CAO (R), DMW/Patiala, COFMOW/New Delhi,
Director General, ROSO/Lucknow, RSC/Vadodra,
Director, IRISE/Secundrabad, IRICEN/Pune, IRIEEN/Nasik &
IRIM&EE/Jamalpur, Chairmen, RRBs/RRCs.
Sub: Age relaxation to the residents of the State of Jammu & Kashmir.
Kindly refer to this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 08.6.2012 (RBE No.70/2012) forwarding therewith a copy of the notification No.15012/6/2011-Estt. (D) dated 30.12.2011 issued by Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions (Department of Personnel & Training) extending the currency of relaxation of age limit in favour of the residents of State of Jammu & Kashmir for appointment to Central Civil Services and posts, recruitment to which are made to UPSC/SSC or otherwise by the Central Government up to 31/12/2013.
Department of Personnel & Training have issued a further notifications No.15012/1/2014-Estt(D) dated 30/9/2014 and 23/10/2015 and accordingly the relaxation of age limit in favour of the residents of the State of Jammu & Kashmir for appointment to Central Civil Services and posts, recruitment to which are made through UPSC or SSC or otherwise by the Central Government stands extended up to 31/12/2017.
Please acknowledge receipt.
(Neeraj Kumar)
Director Estt. (N)-II
Railway Board.
Download Railway Board Circular RBE No.1/2016 No. E (NG)-11/95/RR-1/26 dated 06.01.2016.