Aadhar authentication of Railway Employee for Payroll and HR activities: Railway Board

Aadhar authentication of Railway Employee for Payroll and HR activities: Railway Board Order dated 20.02.2023
रेलवे बोर्ड/RAILWAY BOARD
No. E(G) 2023/LE 1-1
New Delhi, dated 20.02.2023
The General Managers,
All Zonal Railways & PUs
CORE/ Allahabad, DG/RDSO
Sub: Aadhar authentication of Railway Employee regarding.
Attention is invited to Board’s letters, No. E(G) 2014/LE 1-27 dated 30.12.2014, No. E(G) 2017/LE 1-34 dated 03.11.2017 and No. E(G) 2020/LE 1-1 dated 04.02.2020 regarding introduction of Aadhar enabled Biometric Attendance System(AEBAS) on Indian Railways. The module for AEBAS activities for implementation; circulated under Board’s letter dated 30.12.2014 referred to above envisage inter alia possession/submission of Aadhar Card by every employee and verification of employees Aadhar ID submitted biometrically. This was required for department verification and seed the employee payroll database with the Aadhar ID.
2. As advised by the all zonal Railways/Units, the AEBAS has since been implemented on your railway/units after following due process and is fully functional. In continuation to the above exercise, it has been decided to further update (those still left out for some reasons) and correct the Aadhar based data, verify the Aadhar information and create Aadhar data in the HR database of Indian Railway. It will enable not only in having an update HR database of Indian Railway employees but also lead to identify impersonation of employees and weeding out duplication of employees/ ghost employees.
3. In view of the above, all the zonal Railways/Units are requested that the above exercise may be taken on Top Priority and a compliance report may be sent by 28.02.2023 duly indicating the additional number of railway employees added in AEBAS after due verification and the number of ghost employees, if any, weeded out during the process. It is needless to mention that UIDAI have expressed their willingness to provide necessary support in the above exercise.
(Deepak Peter Gabriel)
Principal Executive Director/IR
Railway Board.
Source: Indian Railways