Inclusion of Aadhaar Number in the Service Book of Employees

Income Tax new PAN Application requires only Aadhaar now - Amendment in Section 114

Inclusion  of Aadhaar number (Unique  Identification issued by UIDAI)  in Service Book of Government servants.

Railway Board has issued a circular on Inclusion  of  Aadhaar number in Service Book of Government servants.

RBE No. 145/2016




No.E(G)2016/FR 1-6

New Delhi,  dated 2/12/2016

The General  Manager(s),

Zonal  Railways  &

Production Units,  etc.

Sub: Inclusion  of  Aadhaar number (Unique  Identification issued  by UIDAI)  in Service Book of Government servants.

As  Railway   administrations  are  aware,   in  terms   of  extant   rules/instructions every event  in a Government  servants’ official  life must  be recorded in his  Service  Book and each entry  is to be  attested by the Head of office.

2.       An  extract   of  Paras   1234  and   1235  of  the ‘Indian  Railway   Administration  and Finance   Code’  which   provides  that  the  Heads   of  offices  are  to  obtain   signatures  of  the Railway   servants  in   token   of  them   having    inspected  their   Service   Books   annually is reproduced  below:-

”1234.  Scrutiny by Employees:   It shall be the duty  of every  Head  of Office to initiate action  to show  the  Service  Books  to railway  servants governed by pension rules  under   his administrative  control every   year  and  to  obtain   their   signature  therein  in  token  of their having  inspected the Service  Books.  A certificate  to the effect that  he has  done  so in respect of the  preceding  financial year  should   be submitted by him  to his  next  superior officer  by the  end  of  every  September. The  railway servants shall  inter-alia  ensure   before  affixing their  signature that  their  services  have  been  duly  verified and  certified   as such.   In the case of a railway   servant on foreign service,  his  signature shall  be obtained  in his Service  Book after  the  Accounts Officer  has  made therein necessary entries connected with  his foreign service.

1235.   The  scrutiny of his  Service  Book  by  the  railway servant concerned,   must  be made  in the presence of a responsible official.  As a token  of his  scrutiny and  acceptance   of entries  in the  Service  Book,  the  railway servant should sign  in the  relevant column of the Service  Book and  the  official  who  supervised the scrutiny will also endorse his signature  as evidence that  scrutiny was  conducted under  proper   supervision and  the supervising  officer is satisfied   that  it was  bona  fide  and  no unauthorized  changes were  made in   the entries  in the Service  Book in the course  of such  scrutiny.”

3.          Furthermore, Rule  47  of  the  Railway   Services   (Pension)   Rules 1993 provides   for issuing  a  communication   on  completion  of  18  years   of  service   and   five  years   before retirement, as part  of preparatory  work  for sanctioning pensionary  benefits.

4.           Besides  aforesaid   directives,   pursuant  to Government of India’s   instructions,  it has also  been  decided  that  Aadhaar  numbers  of  all  Railway   Servants   should   be  included   in their  Service Book.

5.          Therefore,   all Zonal Railways/Production Units etc. are directed to ensure   that  the Service   Book of  all  the   employees    have   an  entry   of  the   employee’s  Aadhaar  number. Immediate    necessary action   in  this   regard    may   please   be   taken   and   the   number   of employees whose   Service  Books  have  been  seeded   with  their  respective Aadhaar number may be intimated to Board’s office within  a month’s time.

6.            In this   connection,  attention  of  Zonal   Railways   is  invited  to  Board’s  letter   No.2015/ED/ERP/UIDAI/01 dated  21/7/2016 wherein Railways/Production  Units  were  directed to arrange for Aadhaar numbers and  field units  are expected  to have  taken  action  already.

7.            This issues with  the concurrence  of the Finance Dte.

8.          Please acknowledge  receipt.

9.          Hindi version will follow.

(D. Joseph)

Dy. Director  Estt. (Genl.)

Download Railway Board circular RBE No. 145/2016 No.E(G)2016/FR 1-6 dated 02/12/2016