7th Pay Commission Latest News – Railway Strike announced by AIRF

7th Pay Commission Latest News – Indefinite Railway strike from 11th July, 2016 announced by AIRF, in line with NJCA’s decision, the joint body of all staff side associations / unions

All India Railwaymen’s Federation has announced Railway Strike from 6 am of 11th July 2016.

7th Pay Commission AIRF prepares for strike on 11th July 2016


All India Railwaymen’s Federation

4, State Entry Road, New Delhi – 110055


Dated: June 3, 2016

The Secretary,

Railway Board,

New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Sub: Indefinite Strike in the Railways

The National Joint Council of Action(NJCA) of the Constituent Organizations of the National Council(JCM), Staff Side, in its meeting held on 3rd June, 2016, finding no alternative and government’s non-cooperative attitude towards negotiated settlement, has decided that an “Indefinite General Strike” of the Railways and other Central Government Employees should start from 6:00 a.m. of 11th July, 2016.

Strike Notice will be served by the NJCA Constituents of the National Council(JCM), Staff Side, to the authorities concerned on 9th June, 2016.

More than 90% employees in Railways voted in favour of Indefinite General Strike.

The Cabinet Secretary, who is also Chairman of the National Council(JCM), has also been intimated about the decision of Indefinite Strike.

Yours faithfully,

(Shiva Gopal Mishra)

General Secretary



1. Settle the issues raised by the NJCA on the recommendations of 7 CPC sent to Cabinet Secretary vide letter dated 10th December 2015.

2. Remove the injustice done in the assignment of pay scales to Technical/Safety Categories etc. in Railways and Defence, different categories in other Central Government establishments by the 7 CPC.

3. Scrap PFRDA Act and NPS and grant Pension/family Pension to all Central Government Employees under CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 and Railways Pension Rules, 1993.

4. (i) No privatization/outsourcing/contractorisation of governmental functions.

(ii) Treat GDS as Civil Servants and extend proportional benefit on Pension and Allowances to GDS.

5. No FDI in Railways and Defence, no corporatization of Defence Production Units and Postal Department.

6. Fill-up all the vacant posts in government departments, lift the ban on creation of posts; regularize Casual/Contract Workers.

7. Remove ceiling on compassionate ground appointments.

8. Extend benefit of Bonus Act,1965 Amendment on enhancement of payment ceiling to the ad-hoc Bonus/PLB of Central Government employees w.e.f. financial year 2014-15.

9. Ensure 05 promotions in the service career of an employee.

10. Do not amend Labour Laws in the name of Labour Reforms which will take away the existing benefits to the workers.

11. Revive JCM functioning at all levels.



1. Improve Minimum Wage of Rs.18000 and correspondingly improve Multiplier Factor for pay fixation. Reject all retrograde recommendations of VII CPC.

2. Scrap New Pension Scheme(NPS) and restore Old Pension Scheme, to be made applicable to those railway employees employed on and after 01.01.2004 as recommended by Hon’ble MRs’.

3. Settle AIRF’s Charter of Demands, submitted to Government and Ministry of Railways on 12.2013, 28.01.2014, 03.07.2014, 07.07.2014, 11.09.2015 and 10.12.2015, which include, removal of anomalies of 6th CPC, implementation of agreements reached for merger of Technicians, grant upgradation of Apex Group `C’ posts to Group `B’ Gazetted, replacement of Pay Band and Grade Pay of various categories, removal of salary calculation ceiling for ensuring payment of PLB on actual wages, grant of parity in case of Railway Stenographers with those working in Central Secretariat Services, duty hours of all categories of Railwaymen should not be more than 07 hours, including duty hours of Loco & Traffic Running Staff from “signing on” to signing off”, improvement in railway quarters, medical facilities, creation of new posts for new assets/services without insisting on matching surrender etc., sanction additional staff in commensurate with introduction of new trains, extension of railway lines, setting-up of new stations and for maintenance of additional assets, ensure career improvement of Safaiwalas/Safaiwalis in Railways, SPAD definition to be reviewed to prevent harassment/victimization of Running and Safety Staff, absorption of quasi-administrative units/offices staff against GP Rs.1800(PB-I), setting up of multi-disciplinary training institute to impart training in rail related electronic technologies to the wards of Railway employees, induct Course Completed Act Apprentices against safety vacancies, settle all pending grievances etc.

4. Scrap report of Bibek Deb Roy Committee and implement positive recommendations of High Power Committee(D.P. Tripathi Committee) on Running and Safety Categories Staff.

5. Recall FDI Notification of Government of India dated 22nd August, 2014 in Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Indian Railways and scrap all the agreements entered with Foreign Companies as well as National Companies, which are detrimental to the interest of Railways and the Nation.

6. Injustice done to Railway employees, like Technicians, Technical Supervisors, Loco & Traffic Running Staff, Operating Staff, Medical Categories etc. in respect of allotment of 7th CPC Pay Matrix levels and promotional scope should be done away with and justice administered.

7. Ensure parity in pay structure and promotional scope for Common Categories with those working in the Central Secretariat/Ministries.

8. Ensure payment of Productivity Linked Bonus(PLB) @ Rs.7000 p.m. for the year 2014-15, as was done in October 2008 when salary calculation limit was revised from Rs.2500 p.m. to Rs.3500 p.m.

Source: AIRF