Sanction of family pension to dependent unmarried daughter after 21 years – Success Story – DOPPW

Sanction of family pension to dependent unmarried daughter after 21 years – Success Story – DOPPW
Success Story – DoP&PW
4. Sanction of family pension to dependent unmarried daughter after 21 years
Shri Hira Lal retired from Army Airborne Training School, Agra under Department of Military Affairs and was in receipt of pension. After his death on 19.09.1994, his wife, Smt. Premwati Devi was in receipt of family pension. Smt. Premwati Devi passed away on 31.07.2002. A claim for family pension submitted by Ms. Sumitra Devi, unmarried dependent daughter of late Shri Hira Lal, was pending.
Ms. Sumitra Devi registered a grievance No. DOPPW/E/2022/32211 at CPENGRAMS portal on 17.10.2022 for settlement of her family pension claim. The Grievance was taken up for consideration in the Pension Adalat on 17th May, 2023.
In the Pension Adalat, the Department informed that the case for family pension was pending on account of some incongruities in the documents submitted by the claimant and necessary verifications were required to be done.
Department has informed that matter has been resolved as all required documents have been received from the petitioner and the pension case has been submitted to the Accounts Department for further processing.
5. Sanction of family pension to dependent unmarried daughter after 21 years
The pensioner retired from All India Radio Ahemedabad under Ministry of Information & Broadcasting. After his death on 20.07.2021, his wife, Smt. RAM PIARY DEVI was not getting family pension. A claim for family pension submitted by Smt. RAM PIARY DEVI, spouse of late pensioner, was pending.
Smt. RAM PIARY DEVI registered a grievance No. DOPPW/ E/ 2023 / 0002848 at CPENGRAMS portal on 25.01.2023 for setthement of her family pension claim. The Grievance was taken up for consideration in the Pension Adalat on 17th May, 2023.
In the Pension Adalat, the Department informed that the case for family pension was pending on account of some incongruities in the documents submitted by the claimant and necessary verifications were required to be done.
Both Ministry of I&B as well as the petitioner have confirmed that the entitled pension is being received by the applicant.
Source: DOPPW