Revision of pension of Pre-2016 retired/discharged Armed Forces Personnel

Revision of pension of Pre-2016 retired/discharged Armed Forces Personnel – Notional Pay fixation method – PCDA Circular No. 610
Circular No. 610
Date: 05/11/2018.
The Officer-in-Charge ROs/ PAOs (ORs)
Subject: Revision of pension of pre-01.01.2016 pensioners/ family pensioners in implementation of Govt. decision on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission on notional pay fixation method-regarding.
Reference: (1) This office Circular No.570 dated 31.10.2016 and 585 dated 21.09.2017 and No. 608 dated 26.10.2018.
(2) Govt. Of India, MOD letter No.17(1)/2017(02)/D(Pension/Policy) dt. 17.10.2018. (Available on the website of this office
1. Please refer to this office circular No. 570 dated 31.10.2016, No. 585 dated 21.09.2017 and No. 608 Dated 26.10.2018 issued for revision of pension of Pre-2016 retired/ discharged Armed Forces Personnel. Consequent upon issuance of the concordance table vide GoI, MoD letter No. 17(1)/2017(02)/D(Pension/Policy) dated 17.10.2018, revision of pension under notional pay fixation method is to be carried out by the PSAs concerned by issuing Corr. PPO.
2. These concordance tables have been prepared to facilitate fixation of notional pay of Pre-2016 pensioners/ family pensioners by the concerned Record Offices and attached Pay Account Offices in case of JCO/ORs of the three services and PCDA(O) Pune/ Naval Pay Office, Mumbai / AFCAO New Delhi in case of commissioned officers of Army / Navy /Air Force respectively. Due care has been taken to prepare these concordance tables based on the fitment tables for fixation of pay from 3rd to 4th (only for Sailors), 4th to 5th, 5th to 6th and 6th to 7th Pay Commission. In case of any inconsistency in the concordance tables vis-à-vis the relevant rules / instructions, the notional pay and pension / family pension of pre-2016 pensioners / family pensioners may be fixed in accordance with the rules / instructions applicable for fixation of pay in the intervening Pay Commission periods.
3. The pension / family pension of pre-2016 Armed Forces pensioners / family pensioners may be revised using the appropriate concordance table in accordance with the instructions contained in this Ministry’s above quoted letter dated 5.9.2017.
4. To enable PSAs to implement the MOD letter dated 5.09.2017 para-18 of the ibid letter clearly specifies that it shall be the responsibility of the concerned Record offices and attached Pay Account Offices in case of JCOs/ORs of the three Services and PCDA(O) Pune/AFCAO New Delhi/ Naval Pay Office, Mumbai in case of Commissioned Officers of Army / Air Force / Navy to initiate cases for revision of pension/ family pension of Pre-01-01- 2016 pensioners/ family pensioners with effect from 01.01.2016 in accordance with these orders for issue of revised Pension Payment Order (PPO) for every pensioner / family pensioner. The Pension Sanctioning Authority would impress upon the concerned Record Offices/ PCDA(O) Pune / AFCAO New Delhi/ Naval Pay Office, Mumbai for fixation of pay on notional basis based on extant orders and will issue revised Pension Payment Authority at the earliest.
5. Suo-moto Revision:
This office has carried out an analysis to assess no of cases of Pre-16 pensioners where revision is involved. As per sanction database, an estimated 22 lakh cases requires revision of pension/family pension. To carry out revision through normal conventional method of calling for LPC-CUM-Data Sheet from RO with vetting of Pay details by PAO concerned may be a herculean task and would be time consuming. Therefore It has been proposed to carry out suo-moto revision subject to the approval of Ministry of Defence, wherever feasible based on PDA details and Pay details (and other info like Rank Group , QS) wherever available in master data base and based on notional Pay fixation as per Concordance table for 7th CPC issued vide GOI. MOD letter dated 17/10/2018.
6. Initiation for remaining cases where suo moto is not feasible. (Action by RO/PAO)
In remaining cases where Pay Details (and other related fields like Rank Group, QS) and current PDA details are not available with this office, in such cases this office will not be able to revise the pension and issue the revised PPO on suo-moto basis. In these cases claims / inputs will be required from concerned RO/PAO to authenticate the pensioner details. Therefore to carryout effective, paperless and speedy revision, an Utility software has been developed by PCDA(P) office to be hosted on CGDA WAN to make available all the data of Pre-2016 JCOs/ORs pensioners/family pensioners for access, modification, initiation (if not found available in database of PCDA(P) on search) and for fixation of 7 th CPC pay details by respective ROs/PAOs in line with MOD letter dated 05/09/2017 (Para 18). Due care has been taken to account for all the cases of live pensioners however still if any case is missing, the same may be floated through this utility by RO/PAO and forwarded online through utility.
7. Paperless Revision and issue of e-PPO
Therefore the Data can be accessed, initiated, approved and completed through the utility software provided by this office on WAN and controlled through allotted login / password, which is menu based and user friendly. Collection of data will be realized through an interface accessible through WAN and completed data will be processed by PCDA(P) Allahabad and e-PPOs will be generated in cases received. The working methodology of utility software and the User Manual defining the role of Record Office and Pay Account Office is attached for guidance.
8. Issue and Transmission of e-PPO
The revised corrigendum PPO will be issued by PSAs in e-PPO mode with new 12 digit PPO No. and 4 digit suffix code along with old PPO number. The e-PPO consisting of .pdf and .xml files will be digitally signed and will be transmitted directly to the PDAs through SFTP connectivity as is already being done for new pensioners (no confirmation from RO is required by PDA). E-PPOs will also be uploaded on CGDA WAN for ROs to download a copy for record purpose as well as for providing a copy to the pensioner/family pensioner concerned. Any irregularity if noticed may be returned back to this office.
9. Allotment of login ID and password to Administrator of RO and PAO:
To access the utility programme, each RO and PAO will be issued login ID and password. Accordingly every RO/PAO has to nominate one Officer of their office as ADMIN (Administrator) to whom login credentials i.e. password will be provided by PCDA(P). The ADMIN of RO/PAO may further allot login user id and password to the required number of users to act as Initiator and Approver in their office at their end through ‘User Management’ of utility software on WAN. For this purpose a Proforma for allotment of login ID and password to the Admin of RO/PAO concerned is enclosed as per Annexure-A which may be filled and submitted to this office under the signature of CRO/PAO In charge concerned on the e-mail address <[email protected]> of this office as well as invariably through the hard copy duly signed by O I/C of the Record Office/PAO concerned to Shri Himanshu Tripathy, IDAS Group Officer, EDP Centre, PCDA(P) Allahabad-211014 for further necessary action within a month of issue of this letter / Circular.
10. Allotment of login ID and password to other users of RO and PAO (other than administrator)
The Administrator of RO and PAO will further allot login user ID and password to the required number of users as Initiator and Approver of their office at their end through ‘User Management’ of utility software on WAN. Facility has been provided in the utility software that all user can change their password after allotment or as and when they requires.
11. Training schedule for Record Offices and concerned Pay Account Offices
It has also been decided that to familiarise the officers/staff of Record Offices and Pay Account Offices with the running/navigation of utility software a two days training programme (theoretical as well as practical) will be organised for the officials of the ROs/PAOs dealing with the pension matters as per training schedule in DPTI, Allahabad. It is advisable that at least one Officer, one JCO and one ORs from each Record Office and one Sr.AO/AO, one AAO along with one Auditor/Sr. Auditor from each PAO may be required to attend the said training programme. It is also impressed that the officers/staff dealing with this revision task should only be nominated by officer in charge of the RO/PAO concerned to participate in the above training programme. Detailed training schedule in this regard is attached with the circular as Annexure-B. Due to limited facility of accommodation in DPTI, Allahabad, it is informed that the accommodation to the participants in the said training programme will be provided on the availability basis.
NOTE: A tutorial video for pre training and guidance on utility software is planned to be uploaded on website of PCDA(P) shortly for all the users.
12. Availability of infrastructure
Necessary infrastructure i.e. PC, scanner and WAN connectivity to all the users may be arranged/augmented at your end.
Encl: As above
No. Gts/Tech/7th CPC/0181/Vol-VII
Dated: 05.11.2018
(Himanshu Tripathi)
Sl. No | ||
1. | Name of RO/PAO | |
2. | Code of RO/PAO | |
3. | Code of Record Office (two digit) | |
4. | Name of Officer nominated as Admin | |
5. | Rank / Designation of Officer nominated as Admin | |
6. | IC No. / Regimental No./Personal No. of Officer nominated as Admin | |
7. | Mobile No. Of officer nominated as Admin | |
8. | E-mail address of officer nominated as Admin | |
9. |
(Signature and Stamp of officer) |
(Signature and Stamp of Officer Incharge Record Office/Pay Account Office)
Sl. No. |
Name of Record Office and attached Pay Account Office | From | To |
1. | AMC, LUCKNOW | 03/12/2018 | 04/12/2018 |
2. | 11 GR, LUCKNOW | 03/12/2018 | 04/12/2018 |
3. | DOGRA REGIMENT, FAIZABAD | 03/12/2018 | 04/12/2018 |
4. | RAJPUT REGIMENT, FATEHGARH | 03/12/2018 | 04/12/2018 |
5. | SLI, FATEHGARH | 03/12/2018 | 04/12/2018 |
6. | 39 GTC, VARANASI | 03/12/2018 | 04/12/2018 |
7 | JAMMU & KASHMIR LIGHT INFANTRY, SRINAGAR | 03/12/2018 | 04/12/2018 |
8 | LADAKH SCOUT, LEH | 03/12/2018 | 04/12/2018 |
9 | RAJ RIFLES, DELHI CANTT | 03/12/2018 | 04/12/2018 |
10 | 14 GR, SUBATHU HILLS SHIMLA | 03/12/2018 | 04/12/2018 |
11. | ARTILLERY, NASIK ROAD NASIK | 06/12/2018 | 07/12/2018 |
12. | A D ARTILLERY, NASIK ROAD NASIK | 06/12/2018 | 07/12/2018 |
13. | ARMOURED CORPS, AHMADNAGAR | 06/12/2018 | 07/12/2018 |
14. | ARMY PHYSICAL TRAINING CORPS, PUNE | 06/12/2018 | 07/12/2018 |
15. | INTELLIGENCE CORPS, PUNE | 06/12/2018 | 07/12/2018 |
16. | BEG, KIRKEE | 06/12/2018 | 07/12/2018 |
17. | MARATHA LIGHT INFANTRY, BELGAUM | 06/12/2018 | 07/12/2018 |
18. | PUNJAB REGIMENT, RAMGARH CANTT | 06/12/2018 | 07/12/2018 |
19. | SIKH REGIMENT, RAMGARH | 06/12/2018 | 07/12/2018 |
20. | BIHAR REGIMENT, DANAPUR CANTT | 06/12/2018 | 07/12/2018 |
21. | BEG, ROORKEE | 10/12/2018 | 11/12/2018 |
22. | GARHWAL RIFLES, LANSDOWN | 10/12/2018 | 11/12/2018 |
23. | JAT REGIMENT, BARAILLY | 10/12/2018 | 11/12/2018 |
24. | KUMAON REGIMENT, RANIKHET | 10/12/2018 | 11/12/2018 |
25. | RVC, MEERUT CANTT | 10/12/2018 | 11/12/2018 |
26. | AFRO and JCDA(AF) SUBROO PARK DELHI CANTT | 10/12/2018 | 11/12/2018 |
27. | BUREAU OF SAILERS, CHEETAH CAMP MUMBAI and PCDA(NAVY) MUMBAI | 10/12/2018 | 11/12/2018 |
28. | PRESIDENT BODY GUARD, NEW DELHI | 10/12/2018 | 11/12/2018 |
29. | 58 GTC, SHILLONG | 10/12/2018 | 11/12/2018 |
30. | ASSAM REGIMENTAL CENTRE, SHILLONG | 10/12/2018 | 11/12/2018 |
31. | ASC (SOUTH), BANGALORE | 13/12/2018 | 14/12/2018 |
32. | MEG, BANGALORE | 13/12/2018 | 14/12/2018 |
33. | PARA REGIMENT, BANGALORE | 13/12/2018 | 14/12/2018 |
34. | PIONEER CORPS, BANGALORE | 13/12/2018 | 14/12/2018 |
35. | APS, KAMPTEE | 13/12/2018 | 14/12/2018 |
36. | CMP, BANGALORE | 13/12/2018 | 14/12/2018 |
37. | MAHAR REGIMENT, SAUGAR | 13/12/2018 | 14/12/2018 |
38. | MADRAS REGIMENT, WELLINGTON | 13/12/2018 | 14/12/2018 |
39. | DSC, CANNANORE | 13/12/2018 | 14/12/2018 |
41. | EME, SECUNDERABAD | 17/12/2018 | 18/12/2018 |
42. | AOC, SECUNDERABAD | 17/12/2018 | 18/12/2018 |
43. | AEC, PANCHMARHI | 17/12/2018 | 18/12/2018 |
44. | CORPS OF SIGNALS, JABALPUR | 17/12/2018 | 18/12/2018 |
45. | J&K RIFLES, JABALPUR | 17/12/2018 | 18/12/2018 |
46. | GRENADIERS, JABALPUR | 17/12/2018 | 18/12/2018 |
47. | MAHAR REGIMENT, SAUGAR | 17/12/2018 | 18/12/2018 |
User Manual for Pre’16 JCOs/ORs pensioners
For accessing utility software, completion and uploading of documents for revision of Pension / Family Pension in respect of Pre’2016 JCOs/ORs pensioners as per 7th CPC Recommendations.
1. Introduction
To facilitate the speedy revision of effected cases it has been decided to host and made available to Record Office and Pay Account Office concerned the available data of Pre’2016 JCOs /ORs pensioners/family pensioners for access, modification, initiation (if not available in database) and for fixation and filling of 7th CPC pay details by them. Accordingly all the available data in this office pertaining to Pre’2016 JCOs / ORs pensioners/family pensioners will be uploaded on WAN server of PCDA(P) Allahabad which will be accessible by all the Record Office and Pay Account Office. The Data can be accessed, initiated, approved and completed through a utility software by Record Office and Pay Account Office concerned through a controlled login / password allotted to them, which is menu based and user friendly developed & hosted by EDP Centre of PCDA(P). Collection of data from Record Office and Pay Account Office concerned will be realized through an interface accessible through WAN. A data entry screen has also been provided for capturing of data not found in the database.
2. Allotment of login/password & role of Admin Record Office and PAO (ORs) concerned.
A secured login / password will be provided to the Record Office as admin (screen-shot-2) who will in turn allot the login / password to required no. of user as Initiator and Approver at their end through ‘User Management’ on the dashboard (screen-shot-3) and assign Approver for each initiator (screen-shot-4). Provision has been made in the Utility software to change their password by Admin, Initiator and Approver through ‘Settings’ on the dashboard if so desire (screen-shot-6) . Various reports will be generated through ‘Report’ on the dashboard. All the user can start work from their dashboard on WAN by entering their login & password (screen-shot-1). Each user after completion of work closes their work bench through ‘Logout’ icon on dashboard.
3. Role of Initiator
Stage-1 Data can be accessed by Initiator by login through (screen-shot-1) using his login / password. Initiator dashboard will appear as shown in screen-shot-8. He can initiate a claim by clicking ‘Initiate Claim’’, First the case may be searched from available data base using search criteria i.e. PPO number or Regimental No (screen-shot-9). If data is available in the database the same will be displayed on the screen in LPC- CUM-Data Sheet format as per screen shot-11 and the same may be checked, modified and filled by the initiator as per instructions contained in Annexure-1 (enclosed) and click the button ‘Update Data’.
Stage-2 On clicking ‘Update Data’’ the task has not been completed and the data will be pending as ‘Pending Task’ in his work bench / available for further modification if any (screen-shot-8). The data will be submitted online to Approver by clicking buttons ‘Submit LPC’ and uploading of required data as per screen-shot-12 and thereafter clicking the button “Finalize”,. the case will be transferred to connected Approvers work bench. List of scan images (PDF documents) to be uploaded is attached at Annexure-II.
Stage-3 In cases where initiator is not agreed with any of the fields and wants any corrections in non editable field of the LPC-CUM-Data Sheet, he can record the same by selecting ‘Yes’ on the remark option at the bottom of data sheet a “’Remark’’ column will appear on the bottom of data sheet for recording field no. in bracket and its correct data value separated with comma if more than one in the “Remark” column of LPC- CUM-Data Sheet with supporting scan image of documents.
Stage-4 However in cases if the required data is not found on search criteria in the database a fresh data entry is to be carried out by the Initiator as per LPC-CUM-Data Sheet format by clicking ‘Initiate Fresh’ on the screen and a blank LPC-Cum-Data Sheet screen will appear for data entry (screen-shot-11). Necessary instructions for filling the LPC- Cum-Data Sheet is contained in Annexure-1 (enclosed). Thereafter action as per Stage-2 & Stag-3 the case will transferred to connected Approver’s work bench.
Initiator can view / generate the list of ‘Completed Task’ (screen- shot-13) and ‘Rejected Claim List’ through ‘Report’ icon on the dashboard.
4. Role of Approver
After completion of work by the Initiator by clicking buttons ‘Submit LPC’ and ‘’Finalize’ button to upload PDF scan images, the cases will appear in connected Approver’s work bench for approval (screen-shot-15). The Approver can open the case through ‘Task Management’ à ‘Approve Datasheet’ (screen-shot-15 & 16 ) and verify entries / carry out the modification if any required in editable fields and click ‘Update’ & ‘Submit’ button for approval. He can also view the uploaded documents by clicking them on top of LPC (screen-shot-16 & 17). After approval a PDF file of LPC-CUM-Data Sheet format will be generated. After generation of PDF of datasheet the case will be transferred to concerned Pay Account Office PAO(ORs) for further checking and filling of 7th CPC notional pay details as per concordance table. He can view the list of approved data sheet passed on online to PAO (screen-shot-18).
Approver can see the daily report and progress through ‘Report’ icon on dashboard list of approve data sheet under:
a) Daily Report
b) Suo-moto
c) Claim Assignment
d) Work pendency list
e) List of Processed claims (screen-shot-18)
f) List of rejected claims
5. Role of Admin of Pay Account Office (ORs)
Same as of Admin-RO (screen-shot-19). He can assign the data sheet received from Record Office to Initiator/ Auditor of PAO (screen- shot-21) and see the status of work being carried out by Auditor and AAO/AO (screen-shot-23). If it is necessary he can swap or revoke the work assign to an Auditor to another Auditor(screen-shot-25, 26 & 27). He allots login ID & password to each auditor & their Approver and map each auditor to his Approver/AAO/AO (screen-shot-28 & 29).
5. Role of Initiator/Auditor of Pay Account Office (ORs)
Data approved by Approver of Record Office can be accessed by the Auditor of PAO (ORs) concerned by login through his login / password (screen-shot-1 & 30). Auditor’s dashboard will appear as shown in screen- shot-32. The Auditor will check the case / fill up the notional pay details as per 7th CPC orders / concordance table and click ‘Update’ & ‘Submit’ button to pass on the case to his Approver/AAO (screen-shot-33) . He can view the approved and rejected data sheet (screen-shot-34 & 35).
6. Role of AAO of Pay Account Office (ORs)
The AAO of PAO (ORs) will access the data through his login / password allotted to him (screen-shot-1 & 36). He will check the data and approve notional 7th CPC Pay details of the case (screen-shot-38 & 39). He can view the approved and rejected data sheet (screen-shot-40). After checking, vetting and final approval of notional 7th CPC pay details by AAO the case will be flagged for PCDA (P) Allahabad for further processing and generation of e-PPO.
The revised PPO will be issued by PCDA(P) Allahabad in e-PPO mode and e-PPO will be digitally signed and will be transmitted to the PDAs through SFTP connectivity as being done directly for payment. e-PPO will also be uploaded on DAD WAN for ROs to download for record purpose as well as for providing a copy to the pensioner/family pensioner concerned.
Annexure-I | ||||
Instructions for filling LPC Cum Datasheet for revision of Pension/Disability Pension/family pension in respect of Pre-2016 JCOs/ORs as per 7th CPC. | ||||
Part-A Basic / Service Details
1 | RO CODE | Record Office as per code list. | ||
2 | ORIGINAL PPO NO | Original PPO number should be mentioned. | ||
3 | LATEST CORR PPO NO | Latest PPO number should be mentioned. | ||
4 | PPO FOR DISABILITY ELEMENT (IF SEPARATELY GRANTED) | If disability element is notified separately, PPO number through which notified, should be mentioned. | ||
5 | LATEST CORR PPO OF DISABILITY PENSION, IF ANY | Latest PPO number, through which DE is revised should be mentioned. | ||
6 | DSC/TA CATEGORY | As per list. This is mandatory to fill up.. | ||
7 | NAME | Name of the individual. This is mandatory to fill up | ||
8 | REGIMENTAL NO | Regimental No. This is mandatory to fill up.. | ||
9 | RANK LAST HELD | Rank last should be mentioned as per rank code list This is mandatory to fill up.. | ||
10 | RANK PENSIONED FOR | Rank for which pension sanctioned should be mentioned as per rank code list (mandatory). | ||
11 | ACP/MACP RANK IF ANY. | ‘A’ for 1st ACP, ‘B’ for 2nd ACP, ‘C’ for 3rd ACP & ‘N’ for No ACP granted / applicable. |
12 | GROUP | Fill with Group of pensioner at the time of discharge. This is mandatory to fill up.. | ||
13 | DIPLOMA (AICTE) | For holder of diploma certificate from AICTE, fill with ‘Y’ else fill with ‘N’ (Mandatory) | ||
14 | TRADE | As per list of Trades.. | ||
15 | NET QUALIFYING SERVICE(YY-MM-DD) | This Field is to be filled as “YY/MM/DD”. This field should be calculated as under Gross QS = (Date of discharge/Death (in case of death during service)- Date of Enrolment) Net Qualifying Service =( Gross QS+Former counted service-Non- qualifying /forfeited service). This is mandatory to fill up.. |
16 | DATE OF BIRTH | This Field is to be filled as “YYYYMMDD” | ||
17 | DATE OF ENROLMENT | This Field is to be filled as “YYYYMMDD” | ||
18 | DATE OF DISCHARGE | This Field is to be filled as “YYYYMMDD” | ||
19 | DATE OF DEATH | This Field is to be filled as “YYYYMMDD”.In case of family pension this field is mandatory. | ||
20 | TYPE OF PENSION (SER/DIS/INV/LFP/SFP/OF P/EXG) | As per list. | ||
Part-B Pay Details | ||||
21 | Last Pay drawn/ Notional Pay | Last pay drawn, rounded to whole rupees, at the time of retirement/death is to be filled. If the personnel discharged/died prior to 01.01.1986 notional pay as on 01.01.1986 should be filled in. | ||
22 | LAST PAY SCALE CODE IN WHICH RETIRED | Pay scale corresponding to Last Pay drawn/ Notional Pay column. | ||
23 | GRADE Pay drawn | To be filled in case of personnel discharged/died during service between 01.01.2006 to 31.12.2015 else grade pay should be blank. | ||
24 | MSP drawn | To be filled in case of personnel discharged/died during service between 01.01.2006 to 31.12.2015 else MSP should be blank. | ||
25 | X group Pay | ‘X’ group pay, if drawn is to be filled. | ||
26 | Classification Allowance drawn | Classification allowance is to be filled. If the personnel discharged/died prior to 01.01.1986 Classification Allowance as on 01.01.1986 should be filled in. | ||
27 | NOTIONAL PAY LEVEL AS PER 7TH CPC | Mandatory Field: Notional pay level as per 7th CPC should be filled. |
28 | NOTIONAL PAY IN PAY MATRIX AS PER 7TH CPC | Mandatory Field: Notional pay in pay Matrix as per 7th CPC should be filled. |
29 | NOTIONAL MSP (AS PER 7th CPC) | Mandatory Field: For Pre-2016 (including Pre 86 and Pre 96) pensioner, this field is to be filled with notional MSP as on 01.01.2016. |
30 | Notional Classification Allowance | Notional Classification allowance as per 7th CPC is to be filled. | ||
30a | Notional X Group Pay | Notional X Group Pay as per 7th CPC is to be filled | ||
31 | SPOUSE/ FAMILY PENSIONER’S NAME | Name of spouse/Family Pensioner may be filled. In case, name is having more than 50 characters, the same will be abbreviated. | ||
32 | DOB OF FAMILY PENSIONER | If field no. 50 is filled, this field may be filled as “YYYY/MM/DD”. | ||
33 | RELATION | If field no. 50 is filled, this field to be filled with the relationship with the Personnel code as per list.. | ||
34 | WAR INJURY ELEMENT %(WI) | War Injury Element %(WI) may be filled | ||
35 | PERCENTAGE OF DISABILITY (Other than WIE) | PERCENTAGE OF DISABILITY(Other than WIE) may be filled. |
36 | COMPOSITE DISABILITY | Composite Disability % may be filled. | ||
37 | DISABILITY FROM | Date may be filled as YYYY/MM/DD from which disability is payable through last corrigendum. | ||
38 | DISABILITY TO | Date may be filled as YYYY/MM/DD upto which disability is payable through last corrigendum. If it is payable for life it should be filled as 00000000. | ||
39 | FAMILY PENSION SHARE % | In case of division of family pension % share notified to the family pensioner should be mentioned. | ||
40 | WHETHER PENSION NOTIFIED AS PER COURT ORDER (Y/N) | Fill with Y or N as the case may be. | ||
41 | No. Of PPO ISSUED IN SATISFACTION OF COURT ORDER | If Field number 70 is ‘Y ’ Fill with the PPO number issued in satisfaction of court order . | ||
42 | PENSION RECOMMENDED CODE | ‘F’ for full Pension, ‘T’ for 2/3rd of pension, H’ for Half pension & ‘P’ for provisional pension where gratuity and Family Pen. not to be sanctioned | ||
43 | PDA CODE | As per List. | ||
44 | DPDO CODE | As per List, if PDA CODE is ‘1’ otherwise ‘00’ | ||
45 | PDA STATE CODE | AS per List | ||
46 | BANK CODE | As per List | ||
47 | BSR code of CPPC Branch | The code allotted by RBI to each CPPC Bank may be filled. | ||
48 | BSR code of Paying Branch | The code allotted by RBI to each Paying branch | ||
49 | Bank A/c No. | May be filled from left side only. If the character is < 25 the Right side boxes may be kept blank | ||
50 | IFSC code of Paying Branch | The code allotted by RBI to each bank branch may be filled. | ||
51 | PDA Station | DISTRICT NAME OF PDA may be filled. | ||
Contact details (JCO/ORS) | ||||
52 | AADHAAR NO. Of INDIVIDUAL | 12 Digit Aadhaar No. of the individual | ||
53 | PAN NO. Of INDIVIDUAL | PAN No. of the individual | ||
54 | MOBILE/PHONE NO. Of INDIVIDUAL | Mobile Number of the individual. | ||
55 | E-MAIL ID Of INDIVIDUAL | E-mail ID of the individual | ||
Contact details (Spouse / Family Pensioner) | ||||
56 | AADHAAR NO. | 12 Digit Aadhaar No. of the spouse / F.P. | ||
57 | PAN NO. | PAN No. of the spouse / F.P. | ||
58 | MOBILE/PHONE NO. | Mobile Number of the spouse / F.P. First 3 digits for ISD Code. Example for India, first 3 digit will be +91 |
59 | E-MAIL ID | E-mail ID of the spouse / F.P. |
List of scan images to be uploaded by the Initiator
In addition to initiate a claim by the Initiator by completing / filling Lpc-Cum-Data Sheet as per Stage-1 to Stage-4 above, scan image of following documents will also be uploaded by the initiator in the circumstance noted below:-
1) In case no change in LPC-CUM-Data Sheet except notional pay fixation:-
a) No scan image is required.
2) In case no PDA detail in database :-
a) Cancelled cheque or photo copy of bank Pass-Book showing PDA detail in case of bank or PPO showing current PDA detail.
3) In cases of Disability Pension/Element case
a) Disability Pension/Element Original PPO
b) Latest Corrigendum PPO of Disability pension/Element if any
4) In cases of Family Pension
a) Original PPO (granting Family Pension)
b) Latest Corrigendum PPO if any
5) In case of fresh entries (where master data not exist)
a) Original PPO
b) Latest Corrigendum PPO if any
c) Disability Pension/Element Original PPO (if disability case)
d) Latest Corrigendum PPO of Disability pension/Element (if disability case)
e) Cancelled cheque or bank Pass-Book copy showing PDA detail in case of bank or PPO showing current PDA
f) Original PPO (granting Family Pension)
Read / Download Revision of pension of Pre-2016 retired/discharged Armed Forces Personnel