No revision of Pension for Pre-2006 Pensioners in receipt of Lump Sum Pension
CPAO has clarified that there will be no revision of Pension for Pre-2006 Pensioners who are in receipt of Lump Sum Pension
NEW DELHl-110066
PHONES: 26174596, 26174456, 26174438
CPAO/IT &Tech/Revision Pre-2006 /2015-16/1331-1483
Office Memorandum
Subject: – Revision of Pensions of Pre-2006 Pensioners.
Ref:- CP AO OM NO.CPAO/Tech/Pre-2006 Revision/2015-16/708·855date -25.08.2015
Attention is invited to DP&.PW OM No. 38/77-A/09-P&PW(A)(Vol.II) (Pt.I) dated 18.09.2015 (copy enclosed) regarding revision of pension in respect of those pensioners who had got 100% lump sum amount in lieu of monthly pension and in whose cases 1/3rd pension has been restored. These pensioners are not covered by DP&PW OM dated 01.09.2008 and subsequent amendment OMs dated 28.1.2013 and 30.07.2015. In such cases DPPW has issued separate orders for restoration of 1/3rd pension vide their OMs dated 15.09.2008, 3.4.2013 and 11.7.2013. ·
As the proposal for revision of minimum pension with reference to the fitment table in respect of such pensioners is under consideration of Ministry of Finance. Deptt. of Expenditure, therefore, for the time being, the pension cases of such absorbee pensioners are not to be revised in terms of OM dated 30.07.2015.
Hence, All Heads of the Departments/Heads of the Offices and Pr.CCAs/CCAs/CAs/ AGs/ Administrator of UTs are requested to ensure that revision of pension in such cases of absorbee pensioners is not done in terms of DP&PW OM dated 30.07.2015 until further orders. These cases may be treated to be excluded from the list provided by the CPAO.
(Subhash Chandra)
Controller of Accounts
No.38/77-A109-P&PW(A)(Vol.II) (Pt.I)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan
Khan Market, New Delhi
Dated the 18th Sept, 2015
Office Memorandum
Sub:- Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners – reg.
The undersigned is directed to refer to CPAO letter No .. CPAO/Tech/Pre-2006 Revision/2016/ 13/933 dated lst September, 2015. In this connection it is informed that the cases of those pensioners who had got 100% lump sum amount in lieu of monthly pension and in whose cases 1/3rd pension has been restored are not covered by the OM dated 1.9.2008 and subsequent amendments thereto including the OM dated 28.1.2013 and 30.7.2015, In their cases, separate orders have been issued for restoration of 1/3rd pension vide OM dated 15.9.2008, 3.4.2013 and 11.7.2013. For such pensioners, the proposal for revision of minimum pension with reference to the fitment table has been referred to Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure separately vide ID note No. 4/2/2015-P&PW(D) dated 12.8.2015. Department of Expenditure has also been reminded for expediting their concurrence in this regard. Until the orders in respect of such absorbees pensioners are issued after approval of Ministry of Finance, their pension is not to be revised in terms of OM dated 30.7.2015. Therefore, their cases may be excluded from the list prepared by the CPAO.
(S.K. Makkar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
What append after retirement of 1985, the govt. Give lump some of arriers s to before red. 2016