Processing of pension claims in r/o Defence civilians through Project SPARSH: PCDA

Processing of pension claims in r/o Defence civilians (Gos NGO, NIEs & IEs) through Project SPARSH: PCDA Circular dated 01.03.2021
Office of the Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Central Command)
Cariappa Road, Cantt., Lucknow, Pin Code – 226002
संख्या: PT/3088/CGDA/Vol- XII
दिनांक: 01/03/2021
सेवा में,
प्रभारी अधिकारी,
(All AOGEs/AAOGEs ),
AAO(CC) Kanpur & Allahabad
All Pay Groups(Local)
Subject : Processing of pension claims in r/o Defence civilians (Gos NGO, NIEs & IEs) through Project SPARSH.
Reference:- Hqrs Office DO letter no. PENS-5702/3/2020-PENS dated 18/02/2021.
A copy of Hqrs office letter No quoted under above reference alongwith Annexure-A, B & C thereof is forwarded herewith for information and necessary action. It has been decided as stated to process pension claim in r/o all defence civilians through project SPARSH.
The information as called for by Hqrs office may be furnished as per the Annexure-B & C in soft copy(excel file)for capturing user details duly mapping HOO against PAO, alongwith user details for PAOs by 02.03.2021 through email at email ID: pcdaccndad[at], so that a consolidated report can be sent to Hqrs office at the earliest. Name of HOD in Annexure B to be selected from Annexure A. Name of HOO in Annexure B is the name of the units/ formations.
Further, availability of CGDA WAN in your office for accessing SPARSH, and its IP address may also be confirmed & communicated on the above email ID.
Please accord top priority.
Jt.CDA has seen.
Accounts Officer(PT)