Payment of Post retirement benefits of Rs. 10.11 lakh after 21 months of retirement – resolved after complaint: Success story of CPENGRAMS Portal

Payment of Post retirement benefits of Rs. 10.11 lakh after 21 months of retirement – resolved after complaint: Success story of CPENGRAMS Portal – DOPPW
7.3 Name: Sh. Addanki Vasantharajan
Gist of Success Story: Payment of Post retirement benefits of Rs. 10.11 lakh after 21 months of retirement.
Sh. Addanki Vasantharajan, voluntarily retired on 30th April, 2022 from BSF of Ministry of Home Affairs. His pension was sanctioned in the month of June 2023, however, he was receiving monthly pension and commutated pension only. The remaining Post-retirement benefits i.e., CGEGIS, Leave Encashment, Retirement Gratuity (DCRG) and RTTA were not paid to him.
As per the case history, he was facing lot of financial crisis due to non-receipt of these post-retirement benefits even after the lapse of more than 16 months. Thereafter, he filed a complaint on CPENGRAMS Portal on 08th November, 2023 (DOPPW/E/2023/0052048). His case was forwarded to Ministry of Home Affairs which in turn sent the case to BSF. The case was taken up by the concerned Batallion. Subsequently, the case was processed and submitted to PAD, BSF. After careful examination, the case was returned to BSF with certain observations. These observations were addressed by BSF and the case was again re-submitted.
Thereafter, the positive response received from the department on 8th February, 2024 in form of closure remark, which confirmed the payment of all the claims amounting to Rs. 10,11,754/- to Sh. Addanki Vasantharajan.
Source: DOPPW