MIS Report and Gap Analysis Report in the Pension Module of PFMS: CGA

MIS Report and Gap Analysis Report in the Pension Module of PFMS for User Types- PAO/ Pr. AO/ ACA/Dy. CA/CA/CCA/Pr. CCA: CGA OM dated 15.01.2024
Government of India
Ministry of Finance, Deptt. of Expenditure
Office of Controller General of Accounts
Block-E, G.P.O. Complex, INA, New Delhi-110023
PFMS Division (GIFMIS)
File No. I-95/1/2020-ITD-CGA/C-994/624—633
Dated: 15 January, 2024
Office Memorandum
Sub: MIS Report and Gap Analysis Report in the Pension Module of PFMS for User Types- PAO/ Pr. AO/ ACA/Dy. CA/CA/CCA/Pr. CCA.
The undersigned is directed to refer to the subject cited above and state that two reports: namely, MIS Report and Gap Analysis Report have been developed in Pension Module of PFMS to enable field accounting units to monitor and review the position of pendency of pension cases. The details of these reports are given below:
a) MIS Report is available at login page in PFMS for User Types i.e. PAO/ Pr. AO/ ACA/ Dy. CA/ CA/ CCA/ Pr. CCA as Pension > Utilities > MIS Report. The MIS report for selected PAO will provide the following details of pension cases processed through the Pension Module of PFMS:
- Numbers of various types of Original and revised pension cases processed and forwarded from Bhavishya to PFMS.
- The Status of pendency of various pension cases at different levels (DH, AAO and PAO) after receiving from Bhavishya.
- The details of error in pension cases if any are shown in landing failure and same has been returned to HoO level in Bhavishya.
- The details of pension cases returned by CPAO.
- The Status of sanctions of Gratuity and Commutation whether Failed/Returned/In process associated with various pension cases.
- The details of pension cases pending for various reasons like allotment of PPO No, DSC, Push to CPAO, and – generation of Gratuity/Commutation sanctions.
- The Status of Digital signature of e-PPO.
b) Gap Analysis Report is available at login page in PFMS for User Types i.e. PAO/ Pr.AO/ ACA/ Dy.CA/ CA/ CCA/ Pr.CCA as CAM Reports > Pension >Gap Analysis Report. The Gap Analysis report for selected PAO & DDO will provide the following details of pension cases processed through the Pension Module of PFMS:
- The dates of pension cases landing on PFMS, digital signature of e-PPO and push to CPAO.
- The dates of Gratuity and Commutation payment for the pension cases.
- The dates at which e-SSA is generated and dispatched by CPAO.
- The date of the first credit of pension by the concerned bank.
These reports have been deployed live. All Pr. CCAs/ CCAs/ CAs and users of respective field accounting units are requested to make use of these two reports for more effective monitoring and review for timely disposal of pension cases. Suggestions, if any, regarding these reports may be mailed to b.krishnak[at]gov.in and [email protected].
This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.
(B Gopala Krishnakanth Raju)
- All Pr. CCAs/CCAs/CAs (with independent charge) with a request to kindly circulate these instructions to pension processing PAOs under their control.
- Principal PAO, AG, Audit with a request to circulate these instructions to all the pension processing PAOs under their control.
- Principal PAO, Department of Space with a request to circulate these instructions to all the pension processing PAOs under their control.
- Principal PAO, Govt. of NCT of Delhi with a request to circulate these instructions to all the pension processing PAOs through PFMS under their control.
- Principal PAO, Department of Telecommunications for pension processing PAO.
Copy to:
- PPS to CGA
- PPS to Additional CGA (PFMS)
- Additional CGA (A & FR)
- CC (Pensions)Sr. AO (GIFMIS) for uploading on CGA’s website.
Source: CGA