Minutes of Video Conferencing by Department of Pension with Pensioner Associations

Minutes of the Video Conferencing meeting held on 01.06.2016 with the identified various Pensioners Associations under pensioners portal

Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare has published minutes of the Video Conferencing meeting held on 01.06.2016 with Pensioners Associations


F.No. 55/15/2016/P&PW(C)

Government of India

Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare


Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market, New Delhi-110 003

Dated the 08.06.2016

Subject: Minutes of the Video Conferencing meeting held on 01.06.2016 with the identified Pensioners Associations

Please find enclosed a copy of the minutes of the Video Conferencing meeting held on 01.06.2016 with the office bearers of the identified Pensioners Associations for taking requisite follow-up action on the decisions taken in the said Video Conferencing under intimation to the undersigned.

(Seema Gupta)

Dy.Secretary (PW) Telefax: 24624804

E-mail: seema.gupta75(a)gov.in

Encls: as above



Minutes of the Video Conferencing held by DoP&PW with various Pensioners
Associations under Pensioners Portal on 01.06.2016

A video conferencing was conducted on 1st June, 2016 with the office bearers of the 26 identified Pensioner Associations to discuss the following issues :

i) Seeding of Aadhar card with the pension account through Special Aadhar Seeding and Registration Camp being organized by the Pension Paying Branches of all the Banks ( 30th May to 10th June,2016)

ii) Observance of Swachhata Pakhwara (May 16-31, 2016) -Work done by the Association

iii) Furnishing the requisite information/documents regarding Release of Grants-in-aid for 2016-17 as requested by this Department vide our letter No. 55/12/2016-P&PW(C) dated 10th May, 2016

2. The list of 26 Pensioners Associations who participated in the video conferencing is enclosed (Annexure).

3. At the outset Joint secretary (Pension) briefed about the issues to be discussed with all the attending Pensioner Associations particularly on the following issues:

i) Efforts taken by the Pensioner Associations to motivate the Pensioners and their family members for Aadhar seeding.

ii) Activities undertaken by the Pensioners Associations during Swatchh Bharat Pakhwara.

iii) The status of submission of the audited accounts and other requisite documents for the release of grants-in-aid for the current financial year

4. During discussions on first issue it transpired that majority of members of these Pensioner Associations (except NF Railway Pensioner Association, Guwhati) who are drawing pensions from Banks, have already got their Aadhar numbers Linked with their respective Pension Accounts. However, it was pointed out by Central Government Pensioners Association, Jaipur that Pensioners who are drawing their pensions from Post offices are yet to do seeding of Aadhar due to lack of facilities for linking of Aadhar Card available in post offices. The Associations were assured by JS (Pension) that DoP&PW will deal with this issue separately with Department of Posts .

During discussions All India Central Government Pensioners· Association, Cuttack (Odisha) stated that Pension Paying Branches of Indian Bank and Indian Overseas Bank located in Cuttack are unaware about the seeding camp from 30th May to 10th June,2016. JS(P) assured them that the matter may be taken up with CMDs of all Bank in the Video Conferencing scheduled to be held on 2.6.2016 at D/o Financial Services.

NF Railway Pensioner Association, Guwhati has pointed out that the linking of Aadhar Card has not been possible in majority of cases because of non-availability of Aadhar Cards issued in North East area. JS(P) stated that RGI will be informed for speeding up registration process in North Eastern Region.

The Associations were also requested to get their members Aadhar card linked with their pension accounts wherever this has not been done. They were also requested to spread the message and persuade even those pensioners who are not their members to get their Aadhar Card linked with the pension accounts.

5. As regards observance of Swachhata Pakhwara, almost all the Pensioner Associations and their members have taken the ‘Swachhata Pledge’. A few of Pensioner Associations have also executed some cleanliness work in and around their offices by involving their members as well as persons from general public. Some of the Pensioners Associations· viz. Association of Retired Officers of IA&ID, Chandigarh (Haryana); The Co-ordination Committee of Central Govt. Pensioners Associations, Kolkatta and Ex-Defence Employees Welfare Association, Balasore, Odisha have adopted some villages to take forward wachbata Mission in these areas. Some Pensioner Associations viz.. Central Government
Pensioners Association, Bhubaneswar (Orisssa); Central Government Pensioners Association Thrissur (Kerala), Government Pensioners Associations, Dehradun ( Uttarkhand); MES Civilian Retired Officers Welfare Associations Lucknow; All India Organization of Pensioners, Lucknow and Accountant’s General Offices Pensioners Association, Hyderabad(AP) are working with the close liaison with local municipal authorities to boost cleanliness drives in and around their cities/towns.

All the Pensioners Associations were asked to continue to work towards Swachbata Mission even beyond the Swachhata Pakhwara with the help of municipal corporation and Resident societies and creating awareness among the public through their own resources. They were also requested to send this Department the photographs of activities undertaken by them so that the same could be uploaded on the Pensioner Portal Website.

6. On the issue regarding of submission of audited accounts & annual work plan etc, out of 26 Pensioners Associations only 4 Pensioner Associations have submitted their accounts. The remaining pensioner Associations informed that they are in the process of finalizing their accounts and getting it audited and the same will be submitted very soon. The Associations were asked to speed up the process of submission of accounts etc. so as to enable this Department to release the annual grant in-aid in their favour at the earliest.
Click to download Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare OM F.No. 55/15/2016/P&PW(C) dated 08.06.2016