Immediate settlement of Pending revision of pre-2006 pension cases in view of the impending 7th CPC Pension Revision.

CPAO OM on Immediate settlement of Pending revision of pre-2006 pension cases in view of the impending 7th CPC Pension Revision.

Central Pension Accounting Office has issued instructions to revise all the pending cases in 6th CPC to enable correct fixation in 7th CPC.

No. CPAO/Co-ord/(95)/2016-17/291

Government of India

Ministry of Finance,

Department of Expenditure,

Central Pension Accounting Office,

Trikoot-II, Bhikaji Coma Place,

New Delhi-110066

Dated: 02nd August, 2016


Sub: Immediate settlement of Pending revision of pre-2006 pension cases in view of the impending 7th CPC Pension Revision.

The pension revision due to 7th CPC is shortly going to start. It has been constant endeavor of CPAO that correct and timely pensionary benefits, due on the revision of pension, are credited to the accounts of pensioners by the banks. The forthcoming 7th CPC revisions should also provide correct and timely pensionary benefits to the pensioners/family pensioners. However, correct revision of 7th CPC cases depend upon the correctness of the revisions of 6th CPC cases as that will provide base for revisions. Therefore, all pending pre-2006 pension cases should have been revised before applying 7th CPC revision. Though substantial numbers of Pre-2006 cases have been revised, still 4,896 cases (Annexure) are pending against Civil Ministries/Departments which is a serious cause of concern. Details of these cases are available under CCA& PAO logins on CPAO website. For the settlement of these pending cases, various OMs have been issued by the CPAO from time to time; however, the progress in recent months has been very slow.

In the absence of 6th CPC revision, banks will revise these cases on the basis of existing pension presently being drawn by the pensioners/family pensioners wherein possibility of excess/under payment under 7th CPC pension fixation cannot be ruled out.

In view of above, all Pr. CCAs/CCAs/CAs are requested to review the status of unrevised pension cases under 6th CPC and make efforts to revise these cases urgently to avoid incorrect fixation of pension under 7th CPC and resultant over payment/underpayments

by banks & grievances/ court cases by pensioners.

Chief Controller (Pensions)

Download CPAO OM No. CPAO/Co-ord/(95)/2016-17/291 dated 02.08.2016