Facilitation/ Guidance to Pensioners/ Family Pensioners for using SPARSH Portal: MOD

Facilitation/ Guidance to Pensioners/ Family Pensioners for using SPARSH Portal: MOD
Government of India Ministry of Defence
Department of Defence Production Directorate of Ordnance (C&S)
10-A, S.K. Bose Road, Kolkata ‒700001 (Administration & Co-ordination Div.)
Facilitation/ Guidance to Pensioners/ Family Pensioners for using SPARSH Portal
A number of complaints/ Grievances are received from the Pensioners/ Family Pensioners for Correction of Data in their PPOs. To facilitated the Pensioners/ Family Pensioners in correcting the data on their own wherever possible a Circular is issued. This Circular also contains the corrections which can be made by Head of Office (HOO) and PCDA(P), Allahabad. The corrections can be made by Pensioners/ Family Pensioners by using their own credential i.e. their User Name and Password provided by PCDA(P), Allahabad through SMS.
The procedure for Data Correction is given hereunder:
Flow Path:
- URL: https://sparsh.defencepension.gov.in → Services →Pensioner Data Verification(Verify Pension Claim) → Login to Continue → User Name and Password
- Following fields will be appeared for correction/edit under column “Profile Service Request”.
Personal Details: | Editable | Non-editable | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Service Details: |
PAN (PAN is not editable however, PAN No. can be inserted if it is not there in Data base) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Family Details: |
Family Details: | Click on the “👁” symbol and proceed as directed to edit the particulars wherever edit symbol is there. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bank Details: | Bank Account No. | IFSC Code Of Paying Branch | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other Details: | Previous Pension | All Data Can Be Edited. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nominee Details: | Not Applicable | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Documents: | Relevant Document/s is/ are to be uploaded as shown in system for the Corrected Fields. |
Head of Office (HOO) Credential:
On final submission of Profile Service Request from individual as narrated above, the concerned HOO will be able to scrutinize the Data and can correct the fields as given hereunder. Correction request received from Pensioners/ Family Pensioners along with relevant documents through letter/ e-mail can also be corrected/ edited by HOO.
Personal Details: | Editable | Non-editable | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Service Details: |
Family Details: | On clicking on the “✎” symbol, edit can be done against all the fields like Name, Marital Status, etc. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bank Details: | Bank Account No. | IFSC Code | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nominee Details: | All Data Can Be Edited. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other Pension Details: | All Data Can Be Edited. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pay Details: | Any kind of Pay related issue, HOO can’t edit. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Initiation Declarations: | SPARSH Declaration is not editable. |
Flow Path:
- URL: https://sparsh.defencepension.gov.in → Pensioner/ Family Pensioner can Login and edit → Verification by HOO → Audit by PCA(Fys.)/ LAO in case of DFUs → Approved/ Sanction by PCDA(P), Allahabad.
- On approval by PCDA(P), SMS is forwarded to Pensioner/ Family Pensioner so that the pensioner/ Family Pensioner can download Corrigendum PPO.
- Since there are four (04) stages for approval, it takes some time for getting the proposal approved which the Pensioners/ Family Pensioners should bear.
Registration for Family Pensioner for availing Family pension
Flow Path:
• URL: https://sparsh.defencepension.gov.in → Click on Start Family Pension/Death Reporting → Pensioner details → Reporter details → Proceed as directed.