Extension of Old Pension Scheme (OPS) to post 01.01.2004 retirees: RCSWS

Extension of Old Pension Scheme (OPS) to post 01.01.2004 retirees: RCSWS writes to Shri Jitendra Singh, Minister of State, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance & Pensions
(Estd. 1991, Regd. No. 1881 – Under Registration of Societies Act)
Head Office: 32, Phase- 6, Mohali-160055 (Mob: 9316131598, 8360452584)
No. RSCWS/CHD/Memo OPS/2023-3
Dated: 28-3-2023
Sh. Jitendra Singh
Minister of State,
Ministry of Personnel,
Public Grievance & Pensions,
4-Kusha Road, New Delhi-110011
Subject: – Extension of Old Pension Scheme (OPS) to post 01.01.2004 retirees.
Respected Sir,
1. That Government of India vide CCS(Pension) rules 1972 has withdrawn the guaranteed Old Pension Scheme (OPS) with No-Guarantee National Pension Scheme (NPS) with effect from 01.01.2004 and some of the states have also implemented the NPS.
2. That the implementation of NPS was opposed by the National Council/Joint Consultative Machinery staff side, as well as in the SCOVA by the Pensioners Associations including RSCWS and employee unions of Centre and states, because returns from pension funds are subject to market volatilities/risks.
3. After 18 years of launching of the NPS, it is revealed that in comparison to OPS, where guaranteed 50% of the last salary drawn is paid as basic pension is much higher than NPS.
4. That the government employees who implement government policies, contribute in economic and industrial growth of the country and generation of revenue throughout the prime of their life cannot be left on the mercy of market volatilities and risks.
5. That as per the Social Security (Minimum Standard) Conference 1952 and 102nd ILO Conference, a minimum social security standard to be ensured by the member countries and this includes pension and family pension.
6. That as per article 21 of the Constitution of India, government employees and their families after retirement have the right to lead a dignified postretirement life.
7. As we all know that monetary availability, at the fag-end in the life of a human being, is of great succor and relief to meet with his personal and social requirements to lead a dignified life at this juncture a regular income means a lot in the society.
8. This is a hard fact of now a day that society is breaking into nuclear families and off springs are shedding off their responsibilities towards parents. In the present scenario, in the evening of their life lot of hardships are being faced by the senior citizens to lead a dignified life in the society. Moreover, health also requires some wealth at this juncture of life.
9. In view of above and as a counter measure of succor it is again stressed that Old Pension Scheme (OPS) please be extended to post 01.01.2004 Central Government retirees to restore their self-respect and dignity as well as to ensure their survival and keeping in view the Constitutional provisions interpreted by the Supreme Court of India that Pension is not a bounty but a deferred wage for the dedicated services rendered during active years of service by an employee.
With kind regards,
(Harchandan Singh)
Secretary General/RSCWS
Source: RCSWS