Disposal of the pending cases pertaining to “Retired but PPO not issued” shown on HOO Dashboard of concerned office on Bhavishya Portal

Disposal of the pending cases pertaining to “Retired but PPO not issued” shown on HOO Dashboard of concerned office on Bhavishya Portal: CPWD OM
एफ नंबर 12/5/2022 ईसी 7/336(हि.)
भारत सरकार
आवसन एवं शहरी कार्य मंत्रालय,
केन्द्रीय लोक निर्माण विभाग
निर्माण भवन, नई दिल्ली-110011
दिनांक: 14-09-2022
Subject: Disposal of the pending cases pertaining to “Retired but PPO not issued” shown on HOO Dashboard of concerned office on Bhavishya Portal.
Attention is hereby invited to the Dashboard of Bhavishya portal, which reflects 174 officials as “retired but their PPO has not been issued (Annexure-A) and 97 officials as “family pension” cases (Annexure-B).
2 In spite of the timelines prescribed, issue of the PPO and payment of retirement benefits continue to be delayed in a large number of cases which increase the number of grievances and avoidable litigations significantly. To avoid the pendency on Bhavishya Portal and for timely payments to the retiree, it is necessary to take timely action. It is enjoined upon all the concerned offices to not only submit all the pending 271 pension cases invariably to their concerned PAOs immediately but also follow up till issue of PPO by the PAO/CPAO concerned.
3. It has been observed in the Directorate that some regions are not sending their reports in a consolidated manner after compilation, rather they are sending the reports of the Divisions/circles under their jurisdiction directly without compilation and some Regions have not given proper attention towards timely submission of reports on aforementioned subject. This leads to the situation where pending cases cannot be monitored in a proper manner due to lack of correct information from Regions. Therefore it is requested to send consolidated report as per Annexure-‘A’ and Annexure-‘B’ in respect of whole region after compilation to this Directorate as per proforma-A and Proforma-B through mail is: soec7/cpowd [at] gmail.com latest by 20.09.2023.
(Vinayak Rai)
Deputy Director General (HR-1)