Commencement of Family Pension of spouse after 08 years of husband’s death with Rs. 12 Lakh Arrear: Success Story of CPENGRAMS Portal

Commencement of Family Pension of spouse after 08 years of husband’s death and payment of Family Pension arrear of Rs. 12 Lakh – Success Story of CPENGRAMS Portal: DOPPW
7. Success Stories
7.2 Name: Ms. Jamuni Devi
Gist of Success Story: Commencement of Family Pension of spouse after 08 years of husband’s death and payment of Family Pension arrear of Rs. 12 Lakh
Ms. Jamuni Devi is the widow of Late Sh. Mohar, Singh, a radio operator in Ministry of Railways. Unfortunately, her husband died in May, 2015. Thereafter, she filed her claim for Family Pension with UCO bank. Even after several follow ups for many years, she did not succeed in commencement of her Family Pension.
Then she approached Ministry of Railways and after numerous follow-ups, her Family Pension with the basic of Rs. 9000/- was started in July, 2023. However, Family Pension arrear from May, 2015 to June, 2023 were not paid to her. In the same month, her grandson got to know about the CPENGRAMS Portal and grievance was registered in July, 2023 (DOPPW/E/2023/0029808). However, the grievance was pre-maturely closed by the CPPC within a month.
Thereafter, she registered another grievance in August, 2023 (DOPPW/E/2023/0034184) on CPENGRAMS Portal, which was again closed by the bank with the advice to contact Senior Divisional Finance Manager, East Central Railway, Dhanbad to issue revised PPO.
With the goal to achieve ultimate and conclusive redressal of the grievance, DOPPW registered her grievance on 26th December, 2023 (DOPPW/P/2023/0013954). The grievance was forwarded to Ministry of Railways which in turn sent it to UCO Bank. The grievance was successfully redressed by the UCO Bank and Ms. Jamuni Devi received a payment of arrear of Rs. 12 lakhs on 10th January, 2024 after 8 years of death of her husband.
Source: DOPPW