Action Taken Report on 29th SCOVA Minutes of Meeting

29th SCOVA meeting under the chairmanship of Hon’ble MOS(PP) – Action Taken Report on Minutes of the 28th SCOVA meeting
DP&PW published the Action Taken Report on the Minutes of the 29th SCOVA meeting.
Government Of India
Ministry Of personnel, P.G.and Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan
Khan Marker, New Delhi – 110 003
Date: 10th Jan, 2017
All the Pensioners Associations included in the SCOVA
vide Resolution dated 25.08.2015
Subject: 29th SCOVA meeting under the chairmanship of Hon’ble MOS(PP) – action Taken Report on the meeting of the last SCOVA meeting.
Please find enclosed herewith Action Taken Report on the Minutes of the 28th SCOVA meeting held under the chairmanship of Hon’ble MOS(PP) on 27.06.2016 for your kind perusal.
Encl: as above
(Sujasha Choudhury)
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare)
Action Taken Report on the Minutes of the 28th SCOVA meeting held under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble MOS(PP) on 27.06.2016
1. Para 4(i) of the minutes:- Revision of PPOs of Pre-2006 Pensioners
S.No | Issue | Discussion held during previous meeting | Action Taken | ||||||
1 | Para 4(i) of the minutes:- Revision of PPOs of Pre-2006 Pensioners . |
CPAO intimated that 5035 PPOs are yet to be revised. Out of these, 75% of the cases pertain to the pre-90 pensioners details for which are not available with the Ministries/Deptts/PAOs. The list of such pensioners has been provided to the Banks/Ministries/Departments. Details of such pensioners are also available on the website. CPAO requested the Pensioners Association to reach out to the pensioners and co-operate in the process. Secretary(P&PW) asked CPAO to take up the matter once again with banks and concerned Departments/Ministries for early revision of PPOs .
CPAO Status of Revision of PPOs for Pre-2006 pensioners as on 05.01.2017 is as under:- |
Total Cases | Revised authority issued by Mins/Deptts | PPOs yet to be revised |
3,98,358 | 3,95,091 | 3267 |
For remaining 3267 cases revision by banks have already been taken up. Revisions by Departments/PAOs could not be done for want of relevant records. In this regard a meeting of CGA with CCAs was convened on 11.11.2016 and following decision were taken:-
(i) CPAO would prepare fresh list of live pending cases on basis of e-scrolls which would be provided to concerned Ministries/Departments to review the pendency. If any pensioner represent for revision of his/her pension. The same would be revised on verification of records provided by him/her.
(ii) CPAO will also provide list of pending cases to the banks to check the genuineness of these cases on basis of KYC records available with them.
Ministry of Defence has shown Nil pendency. However:-
(i)One of the Defence Pensioners Associations said that there are discrepancies in data, especially in case of Air Force Pensioners.
(ii)Pensioners Association form Ambarnath has said that most of the retirees have not get their revised PPOs and that PCDA(P), Allahabad is not acknowledging their reminders. Secretary(P&PW) asked representatives of CGDA to hold a meeting of Pensioners and Officers of PCDDA(P), Allahabad in Allahabad to assess the situation and report outcome to DoPPW.
Ministry of Defence
DOPPW held two review meetings under the chairmanship of secretary (P&PW) to discuss pending issues of Defence Pensioners on 27-09-2016 and 20-12-2016.
Status of revision of PPOs for Pre-2006 Air Force pensioners is as under:-
Total Cases | Revised authority issued | PPOs yet to be revised |
48,245 | 45,877 | 2368 |
Information is being retrieved from e-scrolls of CPPCs of Banks and these 2368 cases would be revised by 31.12.2016.
Further, there are about 15,000 cases for which information on whether they are of Pre-2006 or Post -2006 is not available. Secretary (_&PW) asked Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare to take up the matter with the CPPCs of the concerned Banks, so that the 15,000 cases may be revised by the first week of February, 2017. He also asked to share the list of 48,245 cases with Defence Pensioners Associations so that they can tally it with list available with them.
⇒ PCDA(P) Allahabad have informed that they have issued approximately 1966 PPOs in respect of civilian employees of Ordnance Factory Ambarnath. To sort out the issue, PCDS(P) Allahabad called a meeting on 20.10.2016 in DPTI Allahabad, but the representatives of Association did not turn up for the meeting. Again, PCDA(P) Allahabad approached the association for the meeting, but the same could not be held due to non-approval of TA/DA for which PCDA(P) Allahabad is not competent authority to sanction. Further, CGPA, Ambarnath on 03.11.2016 intimated that approx. 1500 members of their association have received corr. PPOs.
Department of Telecom informed that 42 more PPOs have been revised. In remaining cases no records are available with the Department.Department of Teleccom
Status of revision of PPOs as on 31.12.2016 is as under:-
Total Cases | Revised authority issued by Mins/Deptts | Total Pendency |
203 | 10 | 193 |
Out of these pending 193 cases:-
(i)Details are not available in respect of 42 cases.
(ii)E-scroll has not been generated in respect of 48 cases.
(iii)Pendency due to other reasons-103
Ministry of Railways has shown Nil pendency. One of the pensioner Association informed that format of DoPPW is not being followed in the PPOs issued by Ministry of Railways and pay scale and last pay drawn by the pension is not being indicated therein. Secretary(P&PW) directed the representatives of Ministry of Railways to ensure that the prescribe format is adhered to.Ministry of Railway
Steps have already been taken by Ministry of Railways to incorporate the details of last pay drawn and the pay scale in the PPO. Further, steps are also being taken to incorporate the details of number of increments drawn in the pay scale at the time of retirement for future references.
All organization were asked to take all steps to complete the revision process in the next month and close the issue finally as we have now to get ready for revision based on 7th CPC recommendations.
( Action: CPAO, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Railways and Department of Telecom)
2. Para 4(ii) of the minutes:- Health Insurance Scheme for pensioners including those residing in Non-CGHS Area
S.No | Issue | Discussion held during previous meeting | Action Taken |
2 | Para 4(ii) of the minutes:- Health Insurance Scheme for pensioners including those residing in Non-CGHS Area |
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that a draft EFC Memo was circulated by them but only DoPPW have furnished comments on this Draft EFC Memo. The comments/views from other Ministries/Departments are still awaited so that the Final EFC Memo could be circulated by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Secretary (P&PW) asked all the concerned Departments to furnish comments on Draft EFC Memo within a week. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare was also requested to consider the request of Disabled War Veterans(India), New Delhi to include Prosthesis in the Insurance cover. (Action:- Ministry of Health and Family Welfare) |
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (i) The final EFC Memo is under finalization based on the comments received from concerned Ministries/Departments. |
(ii) In the Second Review Meeting held on 20.12.2016, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has informed that the Heath Insurance Scheme i.e CGEPHIS will not be offered to Ex-servicemen as this Scheme is for supplementing the CGHS whereas they are covered by ECHS (Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme).
In response to the request of Disabled War Veterans(India) that the Defence Civilian Pensioners from Non-CGHS area may also be covered under the proposed Health Insurance Scheme. Secretary(P&PW) asked Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to arrange a meeting of concerned Pensioners Association i.e Disabled War Veterans (India) with the Director (CGHS (P)).
Ø Disabled War Veterans (India) was requested to send a request to Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare, so that the issue of prosthesis may also be taken up by Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare with the Department of Empowerment of persons with Disabilities.
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to indicate the latest status of EFC Memo during the meeting. Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has also been reminded on EFC Memo vide reminders dated 17.11.2016 and 04.01.2017.
3. Para 4(iii) of the Minutes:-Special “Higher” Family Pension for widows of the war disabled invalided out of service.
S.No | Issue | Discussion held during previous meeting | Action Taken |
3. | Para 4(iii) of the Minutes:- Special “Higher” Family Pension for widows of the war disabled invalided out of service. |
Ministry of Defence informed that the proposal was examined in consultation with the Department of Expenditure and the latter did not agree to the same. Disabled War Veterans(lndia), New Delhi, informed that the number of disabled pensioners who are likely to be benefitted by the proposal is much less than that projected by Ministry of Defence to Department of Expenditure. Secretary(P &PW) directed Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare to have a relook at the issue. Department of Expenditure mentioned that they would have reconsider the matter if the proposal is sent by Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare again. (Action:- Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare) |
Ministry Of Defence The issue relates to payment of special Family Pension to war disabled invalided soldiers on their death without considering the limit of seven years. The invalided war disabled soldiers are getting disability pension comprising service element and disability element. If they die after a period of seven years, the family pension is calculated based only on the service element disability element is ignored for family pension. The request is for calculating family pension taking into account both disability element and service element, even if the death occurred after seven years of their invalidation. The proposal was earlier examined by Ministry of Defence. Ministry of Defence has stated that the comments of service Headquarters on the issue has been sought vide MOD ID Note dated 10.10.2016 from all the three Services which is still awaited. |
4. Para4(iv) of the minutes:-Extension of CGHS facilities to P&T Pensioners
S.No | Issue | Discussion held during previous meeting | Action Taken |
4 | Para4(iv) of the minutes:- Extension of CGHS facilities to P&T Pensioners |
The representatives of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that the 7th CPC has recommended that all postal Dispensaries should be Covered with CGHS. It was decided to await the decision of the Government within a month. (Action: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare) |
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare The decision of the Government on the recommendations of 7 th CPC is still awaited. DoPPW Ministry of Health & Family Welfare to indicate latest status during the meeting as to where the matter is pending. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has also been reminded on the same vide DoPPw’s OM dated 04.01.2017 to expedite the matter. |
5. Para 4(v) of the minutes:- Anomaly in fixation of pension to DoT employees absorbed BSNL retired between 01.10.2000 and 31.07.2001
S.No | Issue | Discussion held during previous meeting | Action Taken |
5 | Para 4(v) of the minutes:- Anomaly in fixation of pension to DoT employees absorbed BSNL retired between 01.10.2000 and 31.07.2001 |
It was mentioned by Department of Telecom that based on a formulation suggested by Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare, the file was referred to Department of Expenditure for their approval/decision. Department of Expenditure has sought some further details from Department of Telecom. DoT was asked to expedite the information to ensure that the matter is resolved within a month. (Action:- Department of Telecom) |
Department of Telecom BSNL has submitted financial implications resulting from 2 methods suggested by IFD(DoT) and DOPPW for 4230 affected pensioners. As per IFD (DoT) method financial implication come to Rs.31,00,566 p.m + IDA DR. and as per DoPPW method financial implication comes to Rs.5,43,320 p.m + IDA DR. Consequently, IFD of DOT has sought a list showing cases of actual shortfall for the concerned pensioners for establishing the correct financial implications and identifying beneficiaries. The detail of same have been sought from BSNL vide letter dated 14.12.2016 and reply in this regard is awaited. DoPPW DoT vide OM dated 04.01.2017 has been reminded to expedite the matter. |
6. Para 4(vi) of the minutes:- Merger of 78.2% IDA with basic pension benefit to absorbed BSNL pensioners.
S.No | Issue | Discussion held during previous meeting | Action Taken |
6 | Para 4(vi) of the minutes:- Merger of 78.2% IDA with basic pension benefit to absorbed BSNL pensioners. |
The Department of Telecom informed that the proposal has already been submitted for approval of cabinet. (Action: Department of Telecom) |
Department of Telecom Consequent on approval of Cabinet, the necessary instructions were issued to the concerned CCAs vide OM dated 18.07.2016. |
7. Para 4(vii) of the minutes:Extension of benefit of upgraded Grade Pay to Pre-2006 retirees of S-12 grades (Issue of grant of Grade Pay of Rs.4600/- instead of Rs.4200/-)
S.No | Issue | Discussion held during previous meeting | Action Taken |
7 | Para 4(vii) of the minutes: Extension of benefit of upgraded Grade Pay to Pre-2006 retirees of S-12 grades (Issue of grant of Grade Pay of Rs.4600/- instead of Rs.4200/-) |
DOT informed that in few cases where the CAT has directed grant of the benefit of Grade pay of Rs.4600 to the pre 2006 pensioners retired from the pre revised pay scale of Rs.6500 – 10500/-, the orders of CAT have been implemented consequent on dismissal of appeal filed in the High Court. Department of Expenditure had not however agreed to extension to grant of this benefit to all similarly placed pre 2006 pensioners. Department of Expenditure was requested to reconsider this issue keeping in view the orders of various courts and the Contempt petitions filed in CAT. Bangalore Bench in this respect. Department of Telecom was asked to follow up with Department of Expenditure to ensure that the matter is resolved expeditiously. ( Action:- Department of Telecom and Department of Expenditure ) |
Department of Expenditure The comments of Department of Expenditure were forwarded to DOT on 06.07.2016. DoPPW Department of Expenditure has observed that the upgraded Grade Pay of Rs.4600/- was given subsequently outside the recommendation of the 6th CPC decision, it is not applicable to those who are holding the pre-revised scale of Rs.65400-10,500/-and retired before 01.01.2006 . Department of Telecom The matters is still sub-judice and benefit of Grade pay of Rs.4600 to Pre-2006 Pensioners in pre-revised pay scale of Rs.6500-10500/- has so far not been given to any applicant in implementation of CAT’s Order. |
8. (28.2) of the minutes:- Issue relating to CGHS Well Wellness Centre, Dehradun:- (D) Merger of Survey of India Dispensary in CGHS on the same lines as P&T Dispensary
S.No | Issue | Discussion held during previous meeting | Action Taken |
8. | (28.2) of the minutes:- Issue relating to CGHS Well Wellness Centre, Dehradun:- (D) Merger of Survey of India Dispensary in CGHS on the same lines as P&T Dispensary |
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed that there is no proposal for merger of the dispensaries of Survey of India with CGHS was under consideration in the Ministry. Secretary(P&PW) asked Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to examine the issue in consultation with the Survey of India, particularly in view of the recommendation of the 7th CPC for convergence of Medical facilities available with various departments of Central Government. ( Action: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare ) |
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Office of Surveyor General of India has conveyed that Survey of India, Dispensaries situated at Dehradun, New Delhi and Hyderabad were established as per the obligations under Factories Act as per which, it is mandatory to run a dispensary, wherever printing office is located. Merger of these dispensaries with CGHS dispensaries would lead to violation of Factories Act. Hence, the merger of Survey of India Dispensary in CGHS on the same lines as P&T dispensary is not possible. |
9. (28.4) of the minutes:-Conversion of Postal dispensary at Cantt. Road, Cuttack to CGHS Wellness Centre.
S.No | Issue | Discussion held during previous meeting | Action Taken |
9 | (28.4) of the minutes:- Conversion of Postal dispensary at Cantt. Road, Cuttack to CGHS Wellness Centre. |
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare representative informed that 7th CPC has recommended merger of all postal Dispensaries with CGHS. It was decided to await the decision of the Government on this recommendation.
(Action: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare) |
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare The decision of the Government on the recommendations of 7 th CPC is still awaited. |
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to indicate the latest status during the meeting where the matter is pending at this stage.
10. (28.5) of the minutes:-Stoppage of Recovery of wrongful/excess payments from Railways Pensioners
S.No | Issue | Discussion held during previous meeting | Action Taken |
10 | (28.5) of the minutes:- Stoppage of Recovery of wrongful/excess payments from Railways Pensioners |
Ministry of Railway informed they have issued instructions for adopting orders dated 02.03.2016 issued by DoPT in this regard. One of the Pensioners Association informed that the recoveries are being made from Railway pensioners in spite of the instructions issued by the Government in pursuance of the Supreme Court order. Secretary (P&PW) advised the Railway Board to resolve this issue by holding a meeting with the concerned pensioners Associations. (Action:- Ministry of Railways ) |
Ministry of Railways In this regard, a meeting of the concerned pensioners Association i.e N.F Railway Pensioners Association has been scheduled with the Executive Director Finance (Estt) on 12.01.2017 at 9 am in Railway Board’s Office. |
11. (28.7) of the minutes:-Delay in commencement of family pension to spouse to death of pensioners.
Issue | Discussion held during previous meeting | Action Taken |
(28.7) of the minutes:- Delay in commencement of family pension to spouse to death of pensioners. |
It was informed that the orders in this regards have been issued by the DoPPW vide its OM dated 1/27/2011-P&PW(E) dated 20.09.2013. CPAO informed that the instructions have been issued by them also on 02.06.2016 and 14.06.16 to the banks. CPAO also informed that there is lack of communication between bank branches and CPPCs. Jt. Secretary (P&PW) asked CPAO to take monthly reports from CPPCs of all banks. (Action: CPAO) |
CPAO CPAO has issued an OM Bo CPAO/Tech/Banks performance/2015-16/45 dated 2nd June, 2016 to Heads of CPPCs and Government Business Divisions of all Authorised Banks. Banks are supposed to commence the family pension to the spouse immediately on receipt of death certificate of the pensioner, after obtaining proof of his/her own age/date of birth and undertaking of recovery of excess payment. Banks are instructed to arrange payment of family pension latest within a month of submission of above documents and provide details of transaction for the intervening period of the family pensioner. The matter was also reviewed in the meeting held with banks on 22nd Aug, 2016 where it was advised to the Banks to take necessary steps in this regard to ensure timely payment of family pension in the event of death of pensioners and report the same to the CPAO through Format ‘F’ of e-Scroll. |
12. (28.8) of the minutes:- Payment of (i) Restoration of commutation amount and (ii) Additional Pension on attaining the age of 80 Years should be streamlined by the Banks.
Issue | Discussion held during previous meeting | Action Taken |
(28.8) of the minutes:- Payment of (i) Restoration of commutation amount and (ii) Additional Pension on attaining the age of 80 Years should be streamlined by the Banks. |
It was informed that there is an inbuilt mechanism in the software of all the banks for automatic restoration of commutation and payment of additional pension on attaining 80 years of age. Secretary(P&PW) asked CPAO to obtain reports from the Banks to check whether restoration of commutation amount and payment of additional pension to old pensioners is being done automatically and in time. (Aution: CPAO) |
CPAO Vide OM No.CPAO/Tech/Bank Performance/2015-16/45, dated 02 nd June, 2016 CPAO has issued instructions regarding restoration of commuted portion of pension after 15 years from date of payment of commutation and payment of additional pension on attaining the age of 80 years both automatically. The same was also reiterated to the banks in the meeting with the Banks on 22.08.2016. In the meeting it was also decided that:- (i)As per the note below the Special Seal Authority (SSA)/Pension Authorization order and Guideline No.23 on the reverse of the SSA issued by CPAO to banks that such restoration and additional pension have to be restored/started by banks automatically. (ii) All CPPCS have been directed to submit the compliance report of above e-mail on monthly basis and instructions in this regard have been issued by CPAO vide OM dated 02.12.2016. |
Download DP&PW OM F.No.42/16/2016-P&PW(G) dated 10.01.2017