7th Pay Commission Pension Revision using E-Revision utility of PAO in all Delhi Offices

Revision in Pension of employees who retired on or after 01/11/ 2017 as per 11th BPS and 9th Joint Note

7th Pay Commission Pension Revision using E-Revision utility of PAO in all Delhi Offices – Roll out of e-Revision utility of CPAO for 7th CPC revision of pension in all Delhi based PAOs

CPAO OM regarding 7th Pay Commission Pension Revision using E-Revision utility of PAO in all Delhi Offices






NEW DELHI – 110066

CPAO/IT&Tech/Revision(7th CPC)/19.Vol-III/2016-17/26


Office Memorandum

Subject:- Roll out of e-Revision utility of CPAO for 7th CPC revision of pension in all Delhi based PAOs.

In continuation of CPAO OM No. CPAO/IT&Tech/Revision (7th CPC)/19.Vol-III/2015-16/248 dated 08.02.2017 followed by OM No. CPAO/IT&Tech/Revision (7th CPC)/19.Vol-III/2016-17/254 dated 27.02.2017 regarding pilot implementation of e-revision utility of CPAO in 46 PAOs, it has been decided io roll out e-Revision utility of CPAO to all the remaining Delhi based PAOs w.e.f. 15/05/2017. A training on this utility for these PAOs is being scheduled between 15/05/2017 to 19/05/2017. In the first phase, CPAO would train three officials of each PAO of Ministry/Department selected for the use of this utility. The Ministry/Department wise schedule of training will be communicated separately.

2. Digital Signatures of the PAOs and their registration on PFMS website are prerequisites to process the pension revision through this utility, therefore, all the PAOs who do not have digital signatures are required to procure the same and get them registered on PFMS before start of training.

3. In view of above, all concerned Pr.CCAs/CCAs/CAs are requested to instruct their pension processing PAOs located at Delhi to start use of new e-revision utility to process Post-2016 pension cases under 7th CPC from 15/05/2017 and arrange the digital signatures for those PAos who have not yet procured the same. They are further requested to nominate three officials at the level of PAO/AAO for the proposed training at INGAF, Delhi. A step by Step User Guidance along with login details of PAOs is also enclosed for the facilitation of the PAOs on the new utility.

This issues with the approval of competent authority.

Subhash Chandra

Controller of Accounts

Download Finance Ministry OM CPAO/IT&Tech/Revision(7th CPC)/19.Vol-III/2016-17/26 dated 03.05.2017