Salary Advance of Rs. 10,000 in cash to all non-gazetted Central Government Employees by 23rd November 2016

Salary Advance of Rs. 10,000 in cash to all non-gazetted Central Government Employees by 23rd November 2016 consequent on demonetisation of 1000 and 500 Rupee Notes.

Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure

New Delhi the 17th November 2016


Subject: Salary advance for the month of November 2016 to be paid to Non-Gazetted employees of Central Government.

In terms of Rule 64 (2) of Central Government Account (Receipt & Payment) Rules, 1983, the President is pleased to release part salary, in advance, amounting to Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand) by 23rd November 2016 from the salary for the month of November 2016 in the form of cash payout to all Non-Gazetted employees of Central Government.

2. Employees, who do not wish to receive the cash pay-out of the part salary advance amounting to Rs.10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand) may give their option in the enclosed proforma to their respective Drawing & Disbursing Officer by is 18th November 2016. In that case, their salary will be credited to their account on the last working day of November 2016, as usual. In case no option is received by the said date, it will be presumed that the employee has opted for cash pay-out and the payment thereof will be disbursed in cash accordingly. Residual part of their salary payable for the month of November 2016 will be released as per the existing procedure.

3. The contents of this Office Memorandum may also be brought to the notice of all the Organisations under the administrative control of the Ministries/Departments.

4. Appropriate necessary instructions on the subject may be issued by respective administrative Ministries/Departments in respect of Autonomous Bodies, Department of Public Enterprises in respect of Public Sector Enterprises, Ministry of Railways and Ministry of Defence in respect of the Services.

(Annie G. Mathew)
Joint Secretary to the Government of India

Download Finance Ministry Office Memorandum No.25(30)/E.Coord/2016 dated 17.11.2016